天山中部3种自然生境下天山雪莲的光合生理生态特性 被引量:12
Photosynthetic and Ecophysiological Characteristics of Snow Lotus(Saussuea involucrata) in Its Natural Conditions in the Central Part of Tianshan Mountains
英文题名:Photosynthetic and Ecophysiological Characteristics of Snow Lotus(Saussuea involucrata) in Its Natural Conditions in the Central Part of Tianshan Mountains
作者:刘华[1,2] 臧润国[2] 张新平[3] 丁易[2] 江晓珩[3] 张炜银[2] 郭仲军[3] 白志强[3] 张毓涛[3]
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:Saussuea involucrata ; net photosynthetic rate ; transpiration; stomatal conductance ; Tianshan Mountains
Saussuea involucrata is a rare and endangered alpine species, and it is widely used utilization in traditional Chinese medicine. It naturally distributes in the elevation range of 2 400 - 4 000 m in the Tianshan Mountains of northwest China. Its adaptability to the natural environmental conditions is the basis for its conservation and reproduction, but this aspect has rarely been studied. In this paper,we selected typical plants of S. involucrata in three elevation (the low, middle and high) zones of its natural distribution, measured and compared the photosynthetic and relevant ecophysiological characteristics. Through analysis of these characteristics, we can further understand the adaptability to its natural environment, and lay scientific basis for the conservation and sustainable utilization for this rare and endangered species. We divided the natural distribution habitats of S.involucrate into three zones, i.e. the low elevation zone (2 600 - 2 650 m), the middle elevation zone (2 651 - 2 850 m), and the high elevation zone ( ≥ 2 851 m). The photosynthetic and relevant ecophysiological characteristics for each one leaf from each of the five plants of S. involucrate were selected in each zone. The photosynthetic and related ecophysiological characteristics of S. involucrata were measured by Portable LI-6400 Photosynthesis System from 2 August to 8 August,2006. The results showed that light compensation point(LCP) of S. involucrate in the three zones was (15.69 ± 0.31)μmol·m^-2s^-1, (15.94 ± 0.05) μmol·m^-2 s^-1 , and ( 19.93± 0.12) μmol · m^-2 s^-1 , respectively. Light saturation point (LSP) of them were 1 550 - 1 610 μmol·m^-2s^-1, without significantly difference among the three elevation. There was no significant difference in apparent quantum requirement (AQY) of S. involucrate among the three zones,while significant difference existed among the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pmax) among the three. However, carboxylation efficiency (CE) of S. involucrate in high elevation zone was significantly different with those in the lower middle elevation zones respectively. In the same site, photosynthetic respiration rate ( Rp ) of S. involucrate was higher than dark respiration rate ( Rd ). From 8 : 00 O' clock to 20 : 00 O' clock, the diurnal changes of P,, Tr, and Gs were single peak in the low elevation zone. When S. involucrate did not receive direct sunlight radiation, P, decreased quickly, Tr decreased slowly while Gs increased. This showed that stomatal characteristics of S. involucrate had strong sensitivity to light. From low or high elevation mean value of Pn in a day decreased with elevation, while PE increased with elevation. But the changes of WUE and Ls had no significant relationship with elevation. Pn of S. involucrate was significant and positively correlated with T1, Ta, and PAR, negatively correlated with E, and had no significant correlation with RH and Cn. The Tr of S. involucrate significantly and positively correlated with T1, Ta, and PAR, negatively correlated with RH. The Gs of S. involucrate negatively correlated with Ca. The Pn of S. involucrate significantly and positively correlated with Tr, Gs and Vpdl , negatively correlated with Ci .