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中国花楸属植物的分布及研究现状     被引量:1

Distribution and research status of Sorbus L.in China



英文题名:Distribution and research status of Sorbus L.in China

作者:秦爱丽[1] 马凡强[1] 郑祥坤[2] 史作民[1]













外文关键词:Sorbus;type specimen;germplasm resources;introduction and acclimatization;development and utilization


摘要:花楸属(Sorbus L.)植物冠形多态、花色秀美、果实缤纷、四季叶色各异,具有很高的园艺观赏价值,但因属下种间杂交、多倍化和无融合生殖的存在,所以花楸属也是分类学上比较困难的一个类群。该研究通过细致整理和分析国家标本资源库和全球数字化植物标本数据库中花楸属植物标本信息,了解中国花楸属物种采集位置和野生种质资源的分布中心,构建中国花楸属植物标本数据库,为全国第一次林草种质资源的普查与收集提供参考;在明晰花楸属植物资源分布位置和生境的基础上,发现中国花楸属植物资源居世界之首且花楸属物种多分布在高海拔区域,尤其是在中国西南部的山区,分布有一半以上的中国花楸属物种,在该区域花楸属物种多种倍性并存、杂交频繁发生。然而,这是否为该属植物物种多样性丰富的关键因素,把高海拔分布的花楸属物种引种到低海拔区域能否适应以及如何适应低海拔的夏季高温尚不清楚。基于此,作者就自己的专业领域进一步检索了花楸属植物在形态分类与系统发育、适应性进化和保护遗传学、植物资源利用等方面的研究现状,梳理出花楸属植物目前研究尚未解决的问题,并进一步指出未来研究需重点关注的方向。建议未来的研究重点关注以下问题:(1)在坚实的系统发育框架基础上,重点关注杂交物种形成问题;(2)在对中国花楸属野生种质资源进行全面调查的基础上,选择有较高园艺观赏价值的种类,通过最新的分子生物学技术和方法,研究其引种和驯化过程中面临的夏季高温难题,为高海拔物种的引种和驯化提供理论依据。
With diverse crowns,beautiful flowers,colorful fruits,and leaves of different colors in the four seasons,Sorbus L.has a very high ornamental value in landscape.The genus is also one difficult taxa for taxonomic research arising from the combined effects of hybridization,polyploidy and apomixis.In this study,the specimens preserved in National Plant Specimen Resource Center and the database of Global Plants were retrieved and carefully sorted out.Some key information such as herbaria,collectors,collecting sites,collection time were analyzed concretely to understand the collection sites and the distribution center of wild germplasm resources of Sorbus in China and construct the database of Sorbus in China,so as to provide references for the first general survey and collection of forest and grass germplasm resources in China.On the basis of clarifying the distribution range and habitat of Sorbus plant resources,we found that the species of Sorbus in China are the most abundant in the world and Sorbus species are mostly distributed in high-altitude areas.Especially,more than half of Sorbus species are distributed in the mountainous area of southwestern China,and multiple ploidy coexists in this area,which creates unique conditions for hybridization.Is it the key factor of rich species diversity of this genus?With this,the research status of Sorbus plants were further summarized,the problems existing in the study of molecular system biology,conservation biology,phytochemistry and resource development and utilization were pointed out,and the key issues to be paid attention to in the future research of Sorbus were put forward.Suggestions for future research on Sorbus were as follows:(1)We should focus on the study of process of hybridization on the basis of a solid phylogenetic framework;(2)Based on the comprehensive investigation of the wild germplasm resources of Sorbus in China,we should select the species with high ornamental value and study the molecular regulatory mechanisms of the response of Sorbus species to high-temperature stress in the summer in the low altitude areas by using the latest molecular biology techniques and methods,so as to provide a theoretical basis for the introduction and acclimatization of high-altitude species.



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