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Analysis and evaluation of the spatial structure characteristics of degraded natural forests in Hunan province



英文题名:Analysis and evaluation of the spatial structure characteristics of degraded natural forests in Hunan province

作者:马丰丰[1,2] 宋庆安[1,2] 张弓乔[3] 邓楠[1,2] 田育新[1,2] 田菲[1] 邓成[4] 成其书[5]








外文期刊名:Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology





外文关键词:degrade natural forest;spatial structure characteristics;management urgency evaluation;typical forest type;Hunan


【Objective】The ecological functional degradation of natural forests can lead to a series of ecological problems.Structures determine the function,so adjusting the spatial structure of the forest division is of great significance to the restoration of the ecological function of forests.【Method】Based on the spatial structure adjustment method of the nearest four adjacent trees,the typical forest types of degraded natural forests in Hunan province were evaluated by using management urgency evaluation from eight aspects including spatial structure,age structure,stand composition,stand density,stand growth,climax tree species group competition,stand regeneration and tree health.Then the management direction and management measures were determined.【Result】Trees in both natural pure and mixed forests of Pinus massoniana were randomly distributed,and natural secondary forests of Quercus spp.were distributed in groups.The vertical structure of the natural pure and mixed forests of P.massoniana was multi-layered,and that of Q.spp.natural secondary forests was compound.The mixed forest of P.massoniana showed the highest mingling degree,which was in the transition state from moderate mixture to intense mixture,followed by the natural pure forest of P.massoniana,which was in the transition state from low mixture to moderate mixture.The natural secondary forest of Q.spp.exhibited the lowest mingling degree,which was in the state of low mixture.The differences in tree sizes among the three degraded natural forest types were insignificant but very dense.The management urgency of the natural mixed and pure forest of P.massoniana and Q.spp.natural secondary forests was 0.54,0.36 and 0.26,respectively.According to the grades of management urgency,only the forest update index of the natural pure forest of P.massoniana did not meet the standards,which can be managed.Three indexes of the natural mixed forest of P.massoniana also did not meet the standards,including forest density,top pole competition and forest update,which needed management.Four indexes of Q.spp.natural secondary forests did not meet the standards,including spatial structure,stand composition,top pole competition and forest update,which needed to be managed.【Conclusion】The study can provide a scientific basis for the restoration of the structure and function of the degraded natural forests in Hunan province.



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