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Extraction and amplification of DNA from aged and archaeological Populus euphratica wood for species identification  ( SCI-EXPANDED收录)   被引量:27


英文题名:Extraction and amplification of DNA from aged and archaeological Populus euphratica wood for species identification

作者:Jiao, Lichao[2] Liu, Xiaoli[3] Jiang, Xiaonnei[2] Yin, Yafang[1]


通信作者:Yin, YF[1]

机构:[1]Chinese Acad Forestry, State Key Lab Tree Genet & Breeding, Res Inst Wood Ind, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China;[2]Chinese Acad Forestry, Wood Anat & Utilizat Dept, Res Inst Wood Ind, Beijing 100091, Peoples R China;[3]Beijing Museum Nat Hist, Beijing 100050, Peoples R China







基金:This work was supported financially by a project of the Chinese State Forestry Administration (No. 201304508). We would like to express our gratitude for the technical assistance on sample preparation provided by Dr. Xingxia Ma at the Research Institute of Wood Industry, the Chinese Academy of Forestry, and for the comments on experimental design by Professor Andrew Lowe at the University of Adelaide. Xiaoli Liu gratefully acknowledges the help received from Professor Chengsen Li of the Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and from the colleagues from the Xinjiang Research Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology for the sample collection. We also wish to acknowledge the language editing work done by Kevin Austin of BizTech English AB (http://www.biztech.se).


外文关键词:archaeological wood; chloroplast DNA; DNA barcoding; nuclear DNA; phylogenetic analyses; Populus euphratica

摘要:The wood samples of Populus euphratica Oliv. (Salicaceae) are common archaeological plant remains in the hot and arid regions of western China. However, it is difficult to identify P. euphratica wood based on traditional wood anatomical methods alone. DNA barcoding might provide a higher security for species identification. In this study, aged wood specimens stored for approximately 30, 60, and 80 years and archaeological wood up to 3600 years old were in focus to explore the potential of DNA extraction and PCR amplification for different-sized fragments, ranging between 100 and 800 bp, taken from wood stored for different periods. The results indicated that DNA fragments of more than 100 bp could be successfully retrieved from a wood specimen stored for about 80 years based on a modified Qiagen kit protocol. However, it was impossible to obtain DNA segments from the 3600-year-old wood according to the current extraction protocol. Moreover, it was deduced that two-stage PCR amplification could play a significant role in the analysis of DNA retrieved from aged wood materials. With the aid of phylogenetic analysis, based on the short DNA barcode rbcL-2 of 202 bp in length, it was possible to differentiate P. euphratica from the other species of the Populus genus.



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