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‘华仲8号’杜仲种仁油脂积累及脂肪酸变化规律  ( EI收录)  

Change Regularity of Lipid Accumulation and Fatty Acids in the Kernels of Eucommia ulmoides‘Huazhong No.8’



英文题名:Change Regularity of Lipid Accumulation and Fatty Acids in the Kernels of Eucommia ulmoides‘Huazhong No.8’

作者:钟建[1,2,3] 刘辰露[4] 庆军[1,3] 王琦[4] 刘攀峰[1,3] 杜庆鑫[1,3] 杜红岩[1,3] 杜兰英[1,3] 王璐[1,3]








外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae





外文关键词:Eucommia ulmoides kernels;oil;oil body;fatty acid;oil plant


【Objective】The growth and development patterns of Eucommia ulmoides kernels,and the correlation between the dynamic changes of oil body and the oil content in the kernels were studied.The change patterns of fatty acids in kernels and the interaction between various fatty acids were clarified,so as to provide theoretical reference for timely harvesting E.ulmoides fruits and breeding new varieties with high oil and high quality.【Method】The kernels of E.ulmoides'Huazhong No.8'at different development stage were used as experimental material.Dynamic changes of oil bodies in kernels were observed by Nile red staining and confocal laser scanning microscopy,and the content and composition of fatty acids in E.ulmoides kernels were determined by GC-MS.【Result】1)The growth and development process of E.ulmoides kernels was able to be divided into three periods:rapid growth period(late May to early July),slow growth period(early July to late August)and mature period(after early September).The shape changes of kernels in rapid growth period were the most obvious,and the shape changes of kernels in other two periods were not obvious.2)With the development of kernels,the number of oil bodies gradually increased and continued to spread to the central cell.The oil content of kernels was positively correlated with oil body content and showed a'S'shape change trend.3)A total of 9 fatty acids were detected during kernels development,including palmitic acid,stearic acid,oleic acid,linoleic acid and linolenic acid.The content of unsaturated fatty acids showed a trend of gradual increase with kernels development,and reached the maximum value(91.64%)at the beginning of September,of which the content of linolenic acid was as high as 63.26%.Correlation analysis showed that palmitic acid was positively correlated with stearic acid and oleic acid,and linolenic acid was negatively correlated with palmitic acid and oleic acid.【Conclusion】The growth and development rate of E.ulmoides kernels shows a trend of first fast and then slow.There is significant positive correlation between oil body content and oil content in kernels.There are abundant types of fatty acids in kernel oil,among which the content of unsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to human body has obvious advantages.



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