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三峡库区森林生态系统服务权衡与协同分析     被引量:10

Tradeoffs and Synergies Analysis on Forest Ecosystem Services in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area



英文题名:Tradeoffs and Synergies Analysis on Forest Ecosystem Services in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

作者:王娜[1] 楚鑫磊[1] 勾蒙蒙[1] 李乐[1] 喇蕗梦[1] 刘常富[1,2]








外文期刊名:Ecology and Environmental Sciences





外文关键词:forest ecosystem;ecosystem service;trade-off;synergy;the Three Gorges Reservoir Area;spatial and temporal dynamics


摘要:科学理解生态系统服务权衡与协同关系是维持森林生态系统结构、功能和健康的前提,有利于推动实现经济发展和生态保护的“双赢”目标。采用生态系统服务变化指数(IESC)、相关系数和空间分析等方法,综合分析了1990—2015年三峡库区森林生态系统服务时空动态、空间聚集特征及生态系统服务权衡与协同关系。结果表明,(1)涵养水源、保育土壤、固碳释氧、生物多样性保护、积累营养物质和净化大气环境6种生态系统服务时空动态差异较大,其中涵养水源、固碳释氧、净化大气环境IESC值同步增加,涵养水源IESC分布格局在1990—2000年和2000—2015年两个时期呈自东北向西南转移的变化趋势,净化大气环境在两时期的增益变化不明显;保育土壤、生物多样性保护、积累营养物质IESC值呈两极化趋势,前两者IESC极值变化约1倍且两时期空间分布格局差异较小,而积累营养物质呈由西南向东北扩展的变化态势。(2)6种生态系统服务均呈空间正相关,且局部呈现出相似的集聚特征。各服务显著高高聚集和显著低低聚集单元数目均有所增加,空间分布呈东北部高高聚集、西南部低低聚集的集聚规律。(3)不同时期Moran's I指数和相关系数体现各服务之间相关关系及程度的差异性,整体上以协同为主,但协同程度有所减弱;在空间格局上,各服务之间协同关系的分布区域有所增加,且空间聚集状态由散布转为组团。本研究结果可为三峡库区森林生态系统服务协同发展与价值提升提供理论依据。
A scientific understanding of the trade-off and synergy of ecosystem services is required in order to maintain the structure,function and health of forest ecosystems and is conductive to achieving the“win-win”goal of economic development and ecological protection.In this regard,ecological services change index(IESC),correlation coefficient method and spatial analysis were applied in analyzing the spatial–temporal dynamics and spatial-aggregate characteristics of forest ecosystem services as well as their relationships pertaining to tradeoff and synergy in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area from 1990 to 2015.The results demonstrated that the spatial and temporal dynamics of IESC values of water conservation(WC),soil conservation(SC),carbon sequestration(CS),biodiversity conservation(BC),nutrient accumulation(NA)and atmospheric purification(AP)were found to be significantly different,while the IESC values of WC,CS and AP increased simultaneously.The distribution patterns of IESC for WC changed from northeast to southwest in 1990?2000 and 2000–2015.Moreover,no obvious changes in rise in service value of AP in the two periods,whereas the IESC values of SC,BC and NA illustrated a bipolarization trend.The IESC maximum values of SC and BC changed nearly twice,however,little difference existed in the distribution pattern between the two periods.NA exhibited an expansive trend from the southwest to northeast parts.Additionally,this study’s findings showed a spatial positive correlation among the six ecosystem services with similar aggregation characteristics in certain regions.The number of units with a significant high-high cluster and significant low-low cluster increased.Accordingly,the spatial distribution pattern was high-high cluster in the northeast part and low-low cluster in the southwest part.Moran's I and correlation coefficient among the different periods were observed to reflect the difference in correlation and degree among the services,which were dominated by synergy overall,however,the degree of synergy was found to be somewhat weakened.In terms of spatial pattern,the distribution area of the synergy relationship among the services increased,while the state of spatial aggregation changed from scattered to clustered.The results of this study may serve as a theoretical basis for the synergy development and value enhancement of forest ecosystem services in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.



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