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北京中心城区小微绿地的蝴蝶多样性特征     被引量:5

Butterfly Diversity in Pocket Parks at Urban Core of Beijing



英文题名:Butterfly Diversity in Pocket Parks at Urban Core of Beijing

作者:佘珺莹[1,2] 韩丹[1] 王成[1] 殷鲁秦[1] 孙振凯[1] 韩丛海[3]








外文期刊名:Journal of Chinese Urban Forestry




外文关键词:pocket park;butterfly diversity;dominant species;urban core of Beijing


摘要:城市小微绿地,也称口袋公园,是城市区域生态廊道的重要组成部分,其生态功能特别是生物多样性承载功能不容忽视。文章以北京中心城区中面积1~4 hm^(2)的48个小微绿地的蝴蝶群落为研究对象,采用样线法进行调查,运用丰富度、多样性、均匀度、优势度指数分析蝴蝶物种的空间分布和多样性差异。结果表明:1)北京中心城区小微绿地观测到的蝴蝶隶属于4科13属16种,古北种区系蝴蝶种类占总数的43.8%,广布种区系占56.2%。2)中心城区小微绿地内蝴蝶的科属及其数量存在很大差异,其中粉蝶科蝴蝶占50.5%,蛱蝶科蝴蝶占23.8%,灰蝶科蝴蝶占18.5%,凤蝶科蝴蝶占7.2%;菜粉蝶、黄钩蛱蝶、点玄灰蝶为优势种,大红蛱蝶、小红蛱蝶、琉璃灰蝶、红珠灰蝶、金凤蝶为少见种。3)小微绿地蝴蝶群落的多样性指数为灰蝶科>蛱蝶科>粉蝶科>凤蝶科,丰富度指数为灰蝶科>蛱蝶科>凤蝶科>粉蝶科,均匀度指数为灰蝶科>蛱蝶科>粉蝶科>凤蝶科,优势度指数为粉蝶科>蛱蝶科>灰蝶科>凤蝶科。4)五环内不同环路间城市区域小微绿地蝴蝶多样性未有明显的梯度差异。总体来看,北京中心城区小微绿地是蝴蝶活动的绿色空间,有可能成为有效联结大型生境斑块的生态跳岛,而且通过合理选择植物与配置群落结构、采用近自然管护模式,也可以维持较高的蝴蝶多样性水平。
Urban pocket parks are the important part of the urban ecological corridor.Their ecological functions,especially the carrying function for biodiversity,cannot be ignored.The butterfly survey is conducted using line transect method in 48 pocket parks with an area of 1-4 hm^(2) within the Beijing urban core.The spatial distribution pattern and diversity difference of butterflies in the pocket parks are analyzed using indices of the indices of Margalef’richness index,Shannon diversity index,Pielou’s species evenness index and Simpson dominance index.The results are as follows:1)16 species of 13 genera and 4 families of butterflies are recorded in the survey,43.8%of which are the Palaearctic realm and 56.2%are the widespread realm;2)There is a great difference in the family as well as the number of butterflies in the pocket parks,among which Pieridae accounts for 50.5%,Nymphalidae 23.8%,Lycaenidae 18.5%,and Papilionidae 7.2%,and Pieris rapae,Polygonia c-aureum,and Tongeia filicaudis are the dominant species in the research area while Vanessa indica,Vanessa cardui,Celastrina argiolus,Lycaeides argyrognomon and Papilo machaon are the rare species;3)The butterfly diversity index in the pocket parks is Lycaenidae>Nymphalidae>Pieridae>Papilionidae;the richness index is Lycaenidae>Nymphalidae>Papilionidae>Pieridae;the evenness index is Lycaenidae>Nymphalidae>Pieridae>Papilioidae and the dominance index is Pieridae>Nymphalidae>Lycaenidae>Papilioidae;and 4)There is no obvious gradient change in butterfly diversity in pocket parks between ring roads within the fifth ring road.It is concluded that pocket parks in urban core of Beijing is the green space to accommodate butterflies,and may become ecological jump islands effectively connecting large habitat patches in urban areas.The research finds that even for small green spaces,a relatively high level of butterfly biodiversity can be maintained if the plants are reasonably selected and configured under the close-to-natural management.



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