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三峡库区云阳县三种类型马尾松林微生物区系及优势种群分析 Ⅰ.林地土壤细菌、芽孢杆菌和真菌     被引量:2

Analysis on Microbial Flora and Dominant Populations in Three Types of Pinus massoniana Forests in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Ⅰ.Bacteria,Bacillus and Fungi Species in Forest Land Soil


中文题名:三峡库区云阳县三种类型马尾松林微生物区系及优势种群分析 Ⅰ.林地土壤细菌、芽孢杆菌和真菌

英文题名:Analysis on Microbial Flora and Dominant Populations in Three Types of Pinus massoniana Forests in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area Ⅰ.Bacteria,Bacillus and Fungi Species in Forest Land Soil

作者:牟新涛[1] 李永[1] 李强军[2] 郭民伟[1] 朴春根[1]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:soil bacteria; soil fungi; Pinus massoniana; dominant populations


摘要:为探讨马尾松不同类型林地土壤微生物区系及其季节变化,对三峡库区云阳县马尾松近熟龄天然林、中龄天然林和人工林林地土壤可培养细菌、芽孢杆菌(Bacillus spp.)和真菌进行了分析。结果表明,林地土壤微生物优势种群种类和数量因不同森林类型林地和季节有所差异。中龄天然林的细菌数量显著高于近熟龄天然林和人工林,其四季变化也最大,而近熟龄天然林和人工林则相对平缓。林地土壤细菌优势种群主要是芽孢杆菌(Bacillus spp.)和假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spp.),尤以蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus)居多,在四季中冬季细菌的优势种群数量所占比例最高(近熟龄天然林〉人工林〉中龄天然林),优势种群近熟龄天然林为芽孢杆菌,占39.74%;人工林为假单胞菌,占37.26%;中龄天然林为蜡状芽孢杆菌,占24.91%。三种林地类型土壤的芽孢杆菌在不同季节都以蜡状芽孢杆菌(占20%~49%)和芽孢杆菌科(Bacillaceae)一种(种名未定)为优势种群。三种林地类型土壤真菌优势种群在秋季所占比例最高,且人工林〉近熟龄天然林〉中龄天然林;优势种群数量及所占比例人工林为核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum),33.08%,近熟龄天然林为核盘菌,31.7%,中龄天然林为瓦克青霉(Penicillium waksmanii),25.15%。
To explore the soil microbial flora and their seasonal changes on different forest types of Pinus massoniana,the cultivable bacteria,Bacillus spp.and fungi in the soil of near-matured forest,middle-aged forest and plantation in Yunyang County of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area were analyzed.The results showed that the species of dominant populations and quantities of soil microbial in forest land soil were different following seasons vary and forest types.The quantities of bacteria in middle-aged forest was significantly higher than that in near-matured forest and plantation,and it changed greatly as seasons change,while the change in near-matured forest and plantation were relatively gentle.The dominant species of bacteria in forest land soil were mainly Bacillus spp.,Pseudomonas spp.and especially Bacillus cereus.The dominant bacterial population was the highest in the winter(near-matured forest plantation middle-aged forest),the dominant species in near-matured forest was Bacillus,accounting for 39.74%;that in plantation was Pseudomonas spp.,37.26%;that in middle-aged forest was Bacillus cereus,24.91%.In the soil of the three types of forest land in different seasons,Bacillus cereus(20% to 49%) and one of the species(unidentification) of Bacillaceae were the dominant species.The dominant fungi species in the soil of the three forest types had the highest proportion in the autumn,and followed the order of plantation near-matured forest middle-aged forest;the dominant population and the percentage took in plantation,near-matured forest and middle-aged forest were respectively Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,33.08%,Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,31.7%,Penicillium waksmanii,25.15%.



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