中亚热带单优群落的林层划分--以格氏栲群落为例 ( EI收录)
Stratification of Mono-Dominant Forest Communities in Mid-Subtropical Area:A Case Study of Castanopsis kawakamii Community
英文题名:Stratification of Mono-Dominant Forest Communities in Mid-Subtropical Area:A Case Study of Castanopsis kawakamii Community
作者:马志波[1] 黄清麟[1] 庄崇洋[1] 郑群瑞[2] 王宏[1] 陈铮[1]
通信作者:Huang, Qinglin
外文期刊名:Scientia Silvae Sinicae
外文关键词:mono-dominant community;vertical structure;forest strata;stratification of arbor layer;maximum light receiving plane method;mid-subtropical zone
摘要:【目的】以格氏栲群落为例,研究中亚热带单优群落乔木层的林层划分,为进一步探讨林层特征及林层形成与发展动态提供先决条件。【方法】在福建三明莘口格氏栲自然保护区设置2块50 m×50 m格氏栲标准地,采用最大受光面法、剖面图法和基于有限正态混合模型的聚类法研究格氏栲群落的林层划分。【结果】2块标准地均为郁闭林分,且郁闭度均不低于0.95;1号标准地林分密度为424株·hm^-2、平均胸径为39.2 cm、平均树高为26.69 m、蓄积量为588.04 m^3·hm^-2,2号标准地林分密度为542株·hm^-2、平均胸径为29.1 cm、平均树高为26.69 m、蓄积量为417.19 m^3·hm^-2;3种林层划分方法均可给出林层数和各层临界高度,其中最大受光面法外业工作量少、使用简便,且分层结果具有明确的生物学意义;根据最大受光面法,格氏栲群落乔木层分为受光层和非受光层,2块标准地的临界高度分别为16.00和16.90 m,符合剖面图和基于有限正态混合模型的聚类分析结果;1号标准地受光层与非受光层林木株数比约为6∶4、蓄积量比约为99∶1,2号标准地受光层与非受光层林木株数比约3∶7、蓄积量比约为97∶3;在1号标准地,分布在受光层和非受光层的格氏栲分别占标准地林木总株数的40.6%和3.8%、总蓄积量的76.9%和0.4%,在2号标准地,分布在受光层和非受光层的格氏栲分别占标准地林木总株数的27.0%和5.7%、分别占总蓄积量的84.1%和0.2%。【结论】在3种林层划分方法中,最大受光面法较适合格氏栲单优群落的林层划分。调查的2个格氏栲群落可分为受光层和非受光层,受光层以格氏栲数量和蓄积占绝对优势,非受光层格氏栲不占优势,这种垂直分布格局暗示林下更新与补充不足,不利于格氏栲种群的持续发展。应进一步研究各林层的主要特征、层与层的相互关系和空间结构的形成与演变发展动态,为天然格氏栲群落保护提供科学依据。
【Objective】The objective was to stratify the arbor trees of a mid-subtropical forest community with a single dominant species of Castanopsis kawakamii,in order to provide a precondition for further study of the characteristics and dynamics of each layer.【Method】Two sample plots in a size of 50 m×50 m of C.kawakamii forest community located in the provincial nature reserve of C.kawakamii were investigated respectively using the methods of maximum light receiving plane(MLRP),profile diagram,and model-based clustering(MCLUST)to stratify the forest community of the two sample plots.【Result】The two sample plots were all closed forest stands and the canopy density were all more than 0.95.In sample plot 1,the stand density and volume were 424 trees·hm^2 and 588.04 m^3·hm^2,and the average DBH was 39.2 cm,the average tree height was 26.69 m.In sample plot 2,the stand density and volume were 542 tree·hm^2 and 417.19 m^3·hm^2,and the average DBH was 29.1 cm,the average tree height was 26.69 m.All the three methods can solve the problem of stratifying the arbor layer,but MLRP method was the optimal because it is relatively simple and convenient with less field work and having explicit biological interpretability.According to the MLRP,the arbor layer of the C.kawakamii forest community should be divided into two sub-layers which were consistent with the results of the profile diagram and the MCLUST.The upper layer was light receiving layer(LRL)and the lower layer was none-light receiving layer(NLRL).The thresholds between LRL and NLRL of the two sample plots were 16.00 and 16.90 m.In sample plot 1,the ratio was 6∶4 for counts of trees of LRL and NLRL,and 99∶1 for volume.In sample plot 2,the ratio was about 3∶7 for counts of trees of LRL and NLRL,and 97∶3 for volume.In sample plot 1,C.kawakamii distributed in LRL accounted for 40.6%of the total number of trees in the arbor layer and 76.9%of the total stand volume;in NLRL that were 3.8%and 0.4%.As to sample plot 2,C.kawakamii in LRL accounted for 27.0%of the total number of trees,and 84.1%of total stand volume;in NLRL that was 5.7%and 0.2%.【Conclusion】The MLRP method is more suitable than the other two methods for stratifying the arbor layer of the C.kawakamii community.Both communities can be divided into LRL and NLRL.C.kawakamii is absolutely dominant in terms of number of trees and the volume in LRL but not NLRL.This vertical distribution pattern implies in sufficient regeneration and recruitments under forest,which can be a limitation for the sustainable development of C.kawakamii population.Further studies are needed to characterize the layers and their relationships,as well as the dynamics of formation and development of the layers,providing scientific basis for the protection of natural C.kawakamii forests.