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岩溶区林分生长与影响因子的关系     被引量:5

Relationship between stand growth and impact factors in karst area



英文题名:Relationship between stand growth and impact factors in karst area

作者:王磊[1] 崔明[1] 刘玉国[1] 周梦玲[2] 武建宏[3] 周桃龙[3]








外文期刊名:Journal of Zhejiang A & F University





外文关键词:karst;structural equation model;site condition;stand structure;stand diversity


[Objective] This study aims to explore the dominant factors affecting the growth of different stands in the karst area at the headwaters of South-to-North Water Diversion Project, so as to provide scientific evidence for vegetation restoration, forest management and forest rehabilitation in such area. [Method] The karst area of Xichuan County, where the head of the middle channel of South-to-North Water Diversion Project is located, was taken as the research object. The models of tree layer biomass, bedrock exposure, soil thickness,tree species diversity and stand density were built, based on the structural equation model to carry out relational coupling. [Result] There existed a positive correlation between bedrock exposure and stand density(P<0.01), a very significant positive correlation with tree species diversity(P<0.01), and a very significant negativecorrelation with the biomass of constructive species(P<0.01). The direct impact coefficient of bedrock exposure on stand density was 0.198, the direct impact coefficient on tree species diversity was 0.519, the total,direct and indirect impact coefficients on biomass of constructive species were-0.659,-0.722 and 0.063,respectively, and the indirect impact coefficient on stand biomass was-0.604. There existed a significant positive correlation between soil thickness and constructive species biomass(P<0.05), and a positive correlation between tree species diversity, stand density and constructive species biomass. The direct and indirect impact coefficients of soil thickness on the biomass of constructive species were 0.258 and 0.262 respectively. The direct impact coefficient of tree species diversity on constructive species was 0.084, and the total, direct and indirect impact coefficients on total biomass of stand were 0.211, 0.126 and 0.085 respectively.The direct impact coefficient of stand density on constructive species was 0.096, and the indirect impact coefficient on total biomass was 0.098. There was a significant positive correlation between the biomass of constructive species and the total biomass of stands(P<0.01), and the total impact coefficient of constructive species biomass on the total biomass of stands was 1.014. [Conclusion] There are complex relationships between bedrock exposure degree, soil thickness, tree species diversity, stand density, and constructive species biomass and total stand biomass. Reducing bedrock exposure in karst area and increasing soil thickness(i.e.improving site conditions) can improve the stand structure, as well as the constructive species biomass and stand biomass. Biomass is positively correlated with site conditions, stand density, and tree species diversity.Improving site conditions, tending and changing stand structure can promote individual growth, increase the biomass accumulation, and improve the ecological environment in karst area.



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