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浅山丘陵地果材兼用型核桃栽培模式研究     被引量:9

Cultivation mode of walnut in hilly area for nut and timber uses



英文题名:Cultivation mode of walnut in hilly area for nut and timber uses

作者:宋晓波[1,2] 张俊佩[2] 徐慧敏[3] 徐虎智[3] 裴东[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Beijing Forestry University





外文关键词:precocious walnut cultivars; hybrid rootstock; nut and timber uses; cultivation mode; hilly land


摘要:我国分布有大量浅山丘陵地,在这些地区存在着退耕还林保护生态与发展经济脱贫致富的矛盾,因此发展核桃产业具有巨大的潜力。以建立浅山丘陵地核桃生态经济型栽培模式为目标,于2004—2015年,在河南省洛宁县罗岭乡路沟村开展了核桃果材兼用高效栽培模式的研究。选择早实核桃品种‘辽宁1号’,通过高接方式比较了普通实生砧木、核桃本砧‘宁优’、优良杂种砧木‘中宁奇’和‘中宁魁’、黑核桃砧木品种‘中宁山’以及嫁接高度等对嫁接品种树体生长、坚果产量和品质以及经济效益的影响。结果显示:优良杂种砧木可以明显促进早实品种树体生长,具有壮树和防早衰的作用。对接口下5 cm处砧木直径测量结果显示:杂种砧木‘中宁奇’和‘中宁魁’的直径显著大于黑核桃砧木‘中宁山’,黑核桃砧木‘中宁山’的直径显著大于核桃本砧‘宁优’。早实品种树体外围新梢生长量调查结果显示:‘中宁奇’和‘中宁魁’砧木上的新梢生长量最大,‘中宁山’和‘宁优’次之,‘中宁奇’比核桃本砧‘宁优’高24.2%;杂种砧木可以提高核桃坚果产量和品质。连续3年对果实产量进行调查,结果显示:以‘中宁奇’为砧木的‘辽宁1号’品种平均产量为3 043.5 kg/hm2,比传统栽培模式高31.4%,而且坚果风味明显提高;提高优良砧木留干高度,不仅可获得果和材的双收益,而且方便机械作业,减少人工成本。综合经济效益分析结果显示:以杂交种‘中宁奇’为砧木,留干高度1.5 m的果材兼用模式,其经济效益明显高于传统栽培模式,盛果期收益可达117 225元/hm2,为传统栽培模式下的1.98倍。本研究获得了适宜于丘陵山地、具有较高效益的果材兼用型核桃栽培模式。
Plenty of hilly lands in China which are suitable for walnut cultivation are unreclaimed. Meanwhile, ecological restoration and economic development are also problems that these areas face. Aiming at establishing eco-economic walnut cultivation mode in hilly land, we conducted the research on efficient mode of cultivation of walnut for nut and timber uses at Luoning County, Henan Province, during 2004-- 2015. Precocious walnut cultivar 'Liaoning 1' was used as the scion, and the effects of different rootstocks, i. e. , seedling walnut ( Juglans regia), ' Ningyou' ( J. regia), ' Zhongningshan' ( J. nigra ) , ' Zhongningqi' ( J. hindsii J. regia ) and 'Zhongningkui' ( J. major ~ J. regia ) and top- grafting trunk height on mass growth, fruit yield and quality, and economic benefit were evaluated.Results showed that the elite variety of hybrid stock could significantly promote the growth, and toughen the trees and prevent senilism. 'Zhongningqi' and ' Zhongningkui' had a thicker stock diameter than ' Zhongningshan' , while ' Zhongningshan' was thicker than ' Ningyou' and the common rootstock. Investigations on the peripheral new shoot growth of the grafted trees indicated that the maximum growth appeared in ' Zhongningqi' (24.2% higher than ' Ningyou' ) , while ' Zhongningshan' and ' Ningyou' ranked the second. The hybrid stock could improve the nut yield and quality. ' Zhongningqi' had a yield of 3 043.5 kg/ha, which was 31.4% higher than the traditional cultivation mode. The nut from hybrid stock also showed better flavor. An increase in reserved trunk height during top-grafting was beneficial to nut and timber yields, and also helpful in machinery operation and saving labor. 'Zhongningqi' rootstock with a 1.5 m trunk height showed better annual comprehensive economic benefit than the common rootstock, with a yield of 117 225 yuan/ha, 1.98 times as high as the traditional cultivation mode. This study provides a new cultivation mode of walnut for nut and timber uses with high benefits in hilly areas.



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