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吉林省湿地生态系统水质净化功能分析及其价值评价     被引量:13

Analysis and Valuation of Water Quality Purification by Jilin Province Wetlands



英文题名:Analysis and Valuation of Water Quality Purification by Jilin Province Wetlands

作者:赵欣胜[1,2] 崔丽娟[1,2] 李伟[1,2] 康晓明[1,2] 雷茵茹[1,2] 马琼芳[3] 孙宝娣[1,2] 于菁菁[1,2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Hydroecology





外文关键词:wetland ecosystem; water purification; valuation of ecological function; Jilin Province


At the interface between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,wetlands have shown their importance in providing various ecosystem services,especially water quality purification,and have become the subject of intensive research worldwide. Jilin Province has very rich wetland resources with a total wetland area of 1. 728 × 10^6hm^2,consisting of river wetlands( 15%),lake wetlands( 6%),marsh wetlands( 30%) and constructed wetlands( 49%),according to the second nationwide wetland resource inventory of 2009 and they provide important ecosystem services in Jilin Province. In this study,we proposed an alternative method for calculating the monetary value of the water quality purification function of wetlands in Jilin Province,based on the existing method of determining the cost for industrial removal of total nitrogen( TN) and total phosphorus( TP). The data for this research were obtained from the Water Resource Bulletin( 2013) and Environmental Conditions Bulletin( 2013) of Jilin Province,weekly data from the national key section water quality of main river basin and the field survey of water quality and depth. The price of water was taken from the statistics yearbook of Jilin Province. The monetary value of the water quality purification function for each wetland type was calculated by multiplying the water purification value per unit volume by the total water volume of the wetland. Results show that the total annual value of the water purification function of the wetlands in Jilin Province was 44. 2188 × 10^8 yuan. The order of monetary values for the cities in Jilin Province is as follows: Yanbian City( 15. 0982 × 10^8 yuan,34. 14%),Songyuan City( 11. 6017 ×10^8yuan,26. 24%),Baicheng City( 9. 0938 × 10^8 yuan,20. 56%),Changchun City( 4. 2491 × 10^8 yuan,9. 61%),Jilin City( 1. 0255 × 10^8 yuan,2. 32%,Tonghua City,0. 9898 × 10^8 yuan,2. 24%),Baishan City( 0. 8951 × 10^8 yuan,2. 02%),Liaoyuan City( 0. 7685 × 10^8 yuan,1. 74%) and Siping City( 0. 4973 × 10^8 yuan,1. 12%). The value of water purification for the different wetland types are as follows: marsh wetlands( 25. 0671 ×10^8yuan,56. 69%) 〉lake wetlands( 10. 2821 × 10^8 yuan,23. 25%) 〉river wetlands( 7. 7033 × 10^8 yuan,17. 42%) 〉constructed wetlands( 1. 1662 × 10^8 yuan,2. 64%). The highest value of the water purification function per unit area was recorded in Songyuan City while the lowest was in Siping City. The highest per capita value of water purification function of wetland ecosystem service was in Yanbian City while the lowest was in Siping City.Moreover,the value of the purification function per unit area varied significantly among cities and wetland types,with the highest value of 31 741 yuan / km^2 in the marsh wetland of Yanbian City and the lowest value of less than1 yuan / km^2 in the marsh wetland of Liaoyuan City. The per capita value of water purification function varied significantly among cities and wetland type,with the highest per capita value( 447 yuan / person) of lake wetlands in Baicheng City and the lowest value of less than 1 yuan / person of marsh wetland in Liaoyuan and Songyuan City. In conclusion,the method of analysis,location of wetlands and pollutant source and the type of contaminant removed all influence the results. The rank of the water purification value of Jilin wetlands and the spatial distribution primarily depend on the area scale of wetlands. Study results support the protection,restoration and reasonable exploitation of Jilin Province wetlands. It also provides technical information to support the coordination of social,economic and ecological goals in Jilin province.



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