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  • 收录类型=EI x
  • 人物=盘爱享 x

15 条 记 录,以下是 1-15

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Synergistic effect of adsorption and photocatalysis of BiOBr/lignin-biochar composites with oxygen vacancies under visible light irradiation被引量:15收藏 分享
作者:Yang, Qiang[1,2,3,4,5,6] Li, Xiang[1,2,3,4,5] Tian, Qingwen[1,2,3,4,5,7] Pan, Aixiang[1,2,3,4,5] Liu, Xingjian[1,2,3,4,5]
机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Key Lab Biomass Energy & Mat;Coinnovat Ctr Efficient Proc & Utilizat Forest Res;Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm;Natl Engn Res Ctr Low Carbon Proc & Utilizat Fores
关键词:BiOBr   Lignin-biochar   Adsorption and photocatalysis   Oxygen vacancies   RhB  
卧式喷淋降膜蒸发站在麦草浆黑液蒸发中的应用被引量:5收藏 分享
作者:王占军[1] 盘爱享[1] 周浩[1] 钟运猷[1]
来源:《中国造纸》  2004
关键词:卧式喷淋降膜蒸发器  麦草浆黑液  黑液蒸发  
摘要:针对草浆黑液的物理性能及蒸发浓缩的困难 ,研制了卧式喷淋降膜蒸发器。生产实践表明 ,该蒸发器可应用于草浆的黑液浓缩。以安徽某纸厂亚铵法麦草浆黑液五体四效蒸发站 (单台传热面积 2 50m2 )为例 ,进行了应用结果的分析...
Synergy of adsorption-photocatalysis and enriched surface oxygen vacancies over lignin-biochar/Bi2MoO6 nanocomposites for organic pollutant removal and bamboo ECF bleaching effluent treatment被引量:5收藏 分享
作者:Tian, Qingwen[1,2,3,4,5,6] Yang, Qiang[1,2,3,4,5] Guo, Wenliang[8] Li, Xiang[1,2,3,4,5] Fang, Guigan[1,2,3,4,5]
机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Key Lab Biomass Energy & Mat Jiangsu Prov;Coinnovat Ctr Efficient Proc & Utilizat Forest Res;Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm;Natl Engn Lab Biomass Chem Utilizat
关键词:Lignin-biochar   Bi2MoO6   Oxygen vacancy   Adsorption-photocatalysis   Pollutant degradation  
UNITANK工艺处理BCTMP制浆废水被引量:4收藏 分享
作者:丁来保[1] 施英乔[1] 孙玉[1] 盘爱享[1] 韩彪[2]
来源:《中国造纸》  2008
关键词:BCTMP废水  UNITANKI艺  设计参数  工程应用  废水处理  
The changes of bamboo pulping waste water residuals in biological treatment process被引量:2收藏 分享
作者:Liang, Long[1,2,3,4] Shi, Ying Qiao[1,2,3,4,5] Fang, Guigan[1,2,3,4,5] Pan, Aixiang[1,2,3,4] Tian, Qinwen[1,2,3,4]
机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Natl Engn Lab Biomass Chem Utilizat;State Forestry Adm;Key Lab Biomass Energy & Mat;Nanjing Forestry Univ
关键词:ammonia nitrogen   bamboo pulp wastewater   biological treatment   coagulation   mineral elements  
竹材化学浆中段废水处理工程技术优化被引量:1收藏 分享
作者:丁来保[1,2,3,4,5] 施英乔[1,2,3,4] 盘爱享[1,2,3,4,5] 韩善明[1,2,3,4,5] 房桂干[1,2,3,4]
来源:《林产化学与工业》  2015
关键词:竹材化学浆  废水  NH3-N  TN  TP  电导率  
摘要:从优化生物处理系统和更换新型混凝药剂2个方面入手,对35 000 m3/d竹材制浆废水处理工程进行了技术优化,同时对系统的氮、磷降解规律进行了研究。研究结果表明,初沉池、均衡池内的水解作用可促进竹浆废水中NH3-N的释放...
响应面法优化桉木半纤维素自催化水解工艺被引量:1收藏 分享
作者:丛高鹏[1] 施英乔[1] 丁来保[1] 盘爱享[1] 房桂干[1]
来源:《太阳能学报》  2014
关键词:生物质精炼  自催化水解  响应面分析  还原糖  
Enhanced organic pollutant and AOX degradation of lignin-biochar/ ZnAl2O4/BiPO4 with adsorption-photocatalysis synergy: Roles of lignin-biochar被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Li, Xiang[1,2,3,4] Pan, Aixiang[2,3,4] Liang, Fangmin[1,2,3,4] Wang, Jiejie[5] Tian, Qingwen[1,2,3,4]
机构:Guangxi Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry;Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm;Natl Engn Lab Biomass Chem Utilizat;Nanjing Univ Aeronaut & Astronaut
关键词:Lignin-biochar   BiPO 4   Adsorption   Photocatalysis  
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Treating papermaking effluent under pilot-scale test by electrochemical/fixed biofilm technologies被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Shi, Feng[1] Fang, Guigan[1] Shi, Yingqiao[1] Ding, Laibao[1] Pan, Aixiang[1]
机构: Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products
来源:5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2011  2011
关键词:Ammonia - Biofilms - Biological water treatment - Biomedical engineering - Effluent treatment - Electric discharges - Nitrogen - Nitrogen removal - Ozone - Recycling - Wastewater treatment  
ZnAl2O4/BiPO4 composites as a heterogeneous catalyst for photo-Fenton treatment of textile and pulping wastewater被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Tian, Qingwen[1,2] Ran, Miao[1] Fang, Guigan[1,2] Ding, Laibao[1] Pan, Aixiang[1]
机构: Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products; Collaborative Innovation Center for High Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forestry Resources
来源:Separation and Purification Technology  2020
关键词:Aromatic compounds - Heterojunctions - Image enhancement - Irradiation - Photocatalytic activity - Photodegradation - Rate constants - Textiles - Wastewater treatment  
ZnAl2O4/Bi2MoO6 heterostructures with enhanced photocatalytic activity for the treatment of organic pollutants and eucalyptus chemimechanical pulp wastewater被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Tian, Qingwen[1,2,3,4,5,7] Fang, Guigan[1,2,3,4,5,7] Ding, Laibao[1,2,3,4,5] Ran, Miao[1,2,3,4,5] Zhang, Hualan[1,2,3,4,5,6]
机构: Key Lab. of Biomass Energy and Material; Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products; Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resource; Key Lab. of Chemical Engineering of Forest Products; National Engineering Lab. For Biomass Chemical Utilization
来源:Materials Chemistry and Physics  2020
关键词:Aromatic compounds - Zinc compounds - Sewage - Effluents - Bismuth compounds - Irradiation - Photodegradation - Industrial water treatment - Organic pollutants - Photocatalytic activity  
Enhancement of SrTiO3/BiPO4 heterostructure for simulated organic wastewater degradation under UV light irradiation被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Tian, Qingwen[1] Fang, Guigan[1] Shi, Yingqiao[1] Ding, Laibao[1] Pan, Aixiang[1]
机构: Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products; School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
来源:Research on Chemical Intermediates  2017
关键词:Photodegradation - Heterojunctions - Energy dispersive spectroscopy - Photocatalysis - Strontium titanates - X ray powder diffraction - High resolution transmission electron microscopy - Industrial research - Aromatic compounds - Photocatalysts - Titanium compounds - Electrons - X ray photoelectron spectroscopy  
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Treating BCTMP effluent with fenton-advanced oxidation process被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Fu, Fangrong[1] Shi, Yingqiao[1] Ding, Laibao[1] Pan, Aixiang[1] Shi, Feng[1]
机构: Institute of Chemical Industry of forest Products
来源:5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2011  2011
关键词:Biomedical engineering - Chemical oxygen demand - Effluent treatment - Hydrated lime - Oxidation  
Enhancement effect of oxygen vacancy on photocatalytic CO2 reduction被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Yang, Qiang[1] Wang, Yunyi[4] Tian, Qingwen[1,3] Li, Xiang[1] Pan, Aixiang[1]
机构: Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products; Nanjing Forestry University; Guangxi Key Laboratory of Clean Pulp & Papermaking and Pollution Control; Heilongjiang Provincial Key University Laboratory of Processing Agricultural Products
来源:Journal of Materials Chemistry A  2024
关键词:Bismuth compounds - Carbon dioxide - Catalysts - Coordination reactions - Energy gap - Ethylene - Ethylene glycol - Hot electrons - Reducing agents - Surface plasmon resonance  
Controlled preparation of bamboo charcoal/BiOCl with efficient visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity for organic pollutant degradation using the residues of bamboo processing被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Zhu, Yawei[1,2] Shen, Kuizhong[1] Wang, Yunyi[5] Yang, Qiang[1,2] Li, Xiang[1,2]
机构: Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products; Nanjing Forestry University; Shandong Huatai Paper Co.; Guangxi Key Laboratory of Clean Pulp & Papermaking and Pollution Control; Heilongjiang Provincial Key University Laboratory of Processing Agricultural Products
来源:Industrial Crops and Products  2024
关键词:Bamboo - Charcoal - Chlorine compounds - Organic pollutants - Oxygen vacancies - Photocatalytic activity - Photodegradation - Rhodium compounds  
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