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  • 人物=刁姝 x

6 条 记 录,以下是 1-6

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Development of 51?K liquid-phased probe array for Loblolly and Slash pines and its application to GWAS of Slash pine breeding population被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Diao, Shu[1,2] Ding, Xianyin[1,2] Luan, Qifu[1,2] Chen, Zhi-Qiang[3] Wu, Harry X.[2,3,4]
机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; National Forestry and Grassland Engineering Technology Research Center of Exotic Pine Cultivation; Ume? Plant Science Centre; CSIRO National Collection Research Australia; Beijing Victory Time Company Co.
来源:Industrial Crops and Products  2024
关键词:DNA sequences - Gene encoding - Genome - Principal component analysis - Transcription  
A complete transcriptional landscape analysis of Pinus elliottii Engelm. Using third-generation sequencing and comparative analysis in the Pinus phylogeny被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Diao, Shu[1] Ding, Xianying[1] Luan, Qifu[1] Jiang, Jingmin[1]
机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry
来源:Forests  2019
关键词:DNA sequences - Plants (botany)  
Identification and Tissue-Specific Expression Analysis of CYP720B Subfamily Genes in Slash Pine and Loblolly Pine被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Zhang, Yini[1,2] Ding, Xianyin[1] Luan, Qifu[1,3] Jiang, Jingmin[1,3] Diao, Shu[1,3]
机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; College of Forestry; National Forestry and Grassland Engineering Technology Research Center of Exotic Pine Cultivation
来源:Forests  2022
关键词:Biochemistry - Polymerase chain reaction - Gas chromatography - Gene expression - Olefins - Resins - Histology - Microorganisms - Essential oils - Mass spectrometry  
Construction of Core Collection and Phenotypic Evaluation of Toona sinensis被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Dai, Jianhua[1,2] Fan, Yanru[1] Diao, Shu[1] Yin, Hengfu[1] Han, Xiaojiao[1]
机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; College of Landscape Architecture
来源:Forests  2023
关键词:Biodiversity - Conservation - Natural resources  
Identification of TPS-d subfamily genes and functional characterization of three monoterpene synthases in slash pine被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Diao, Shu[1,2] Zhang, Yini[1] Luan, Qifu[1,2] Ding, Xianyin[1] Sun, Jiaming[1]
机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; National Forestry and Grassland Engineering Technology Research Center of Exotic Pine Cultivation
来源:Industrial Crops and Products  2022
关键词:Biochemistry - Biosynthesis - Chemical industry - Cloning - Enzyme activity - Lipids - Metabolic engineering - Monoterpenes  
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure Analysis in the Chinese Endemic Species Michelia crassipes Based on SSR Markers被引量:0收藏 分享
作者:Xiao, Yuguang[1,2] Jiang, Xiaolong[1] Lu, Chengcheng[2] Liu, Jun[2,3] Diao, Shu[2,3]
机构: College of Forestry; Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; National Forestry and Grassland Engineering Technology Research Center of Exotic Pine Cultivation
来源:Forests  2023
关键词:Biodiversity - Genes  
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