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马尾松3代杂交子代幼林松脂化学组分的GCA/SCA分析     被引量:5

GCA / SCA of Oleoresin Compounds for F3 Hybrid Progeny of Pinus massoniana Younglings



英文题名:GCA / SCA of Oleoresin Compounds for F3 Hybrid Progeny of Pinus massoniana Younglings

作者:董虹妤[1] 刘青华[1] 周志春[1] 金国庆[1] 沈丹玉[1] 宋新回[2]








外文期刊名:Forest Research





外文关键词:Pinus massoniana ; oleoresin components ; GCA ; SCA ; correlation


摘要:[目的]研究马尾松松脂化学组分的一般配合力(GCA)/特殊配合力(SCA)效应,促进优质脂用马尾松的遗传改良。[方法]利用设置在浙江省淳安县姥山林场的5年生6×6半双列遗传交配设计的马尾松3代种质幼林,通过调查各单株生长性状以及测定松脂化学组分,揭示马尾松松脂化学组分的遗传变异规律及遗传控制方式和它们与生长性状的相关性。[结果]试验材料共检测出23种松脂组分,单萜类、倍半萜类、二萜类组分含量分别占松脂含量的7.29%、1.50%和91.17%。13种平均含量高于松脂总量0.1%且杂交组合间差异显著的马尾松松脂主要组分均表现出显著或极显著的GCA效应,而SCA效应较不显著。除去氢枞酸主要受显性基因效应控制,左旋海松酸/长叶松酸、8,12-枞二烯酸加/显性效应相当外,其余主要组分均是以加性基因效应占主导地位。各松脂主要组分家系遗传力为0.655 0.949,受中度或高度的遗传控制。研究还发现,马尾松松脂单萜主要组分中α-蒎烯、莰烯、β-蒎烯间呈极显著正相关关系,对其中一种组分的选择可能会带来其它单萜组分的同增或同减。而二萜组分中左旋海松酸/长叶松酸与单萜、倍半萜、二萜组分呈较普遍负相关,与长叶烯、海松醛、去氢枞酸、8,12-枞二烯酸、枞酸和新枞酸则呈极显著的负相关关系,对左旋海松酸/长叶松酸的选择将会对大部分松脂组分产生抑制作用。此外,马尾松多数松脂主要组分与树高、地径相关性并不明显,松脂化学组分与生长似受不同的遗传机制控制,两种性状可能相互独立。[结论]幼龄期马尾松松脂大部分组分具有显著的GCA效应,加性基因效应占主导地位,受中度或高度遗传控制。树高和地径与松脂各组分含量不相关,但部分松脂组分间存在显著的相关性。该结果为马尾松脂用性状的改良提供理论依据。
[ Objective ] To study genetic effects of general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) of oleoresin components of Pinus massoniana for the purpose of genetic improvement of oleoresin-producing P. massoniana. [Method] A half diallel cross among 6 P. massoniana clones in Laoshan Forest Farm of Zhejiang Province was used to reveal the genetic variation of oleoresin components, the correlation between growth and the content of oleoresin components and the correlation between oleoresin compounds by investigating the growth and the content of oleoresin components of each sample. [ Result ] Twenty three oleoresin components were identified, the Monoterpenes, Sesquiterpenes and Diterpenes accounted for 7.29% , i. 50% and 91.17% of total oleoresin con- tent. It was found that the genetic effects of GCA were more significant than the genetic effects of SCA in the 13 ma- jor oleoresin components with higher average content and significant differences among the combinations. Most major oleoresin components were controlled mainly by the additive gene effects while dehydroabietic acid was controlled mainly the by dominance gene effects and levopimaric acid/palustric acid, 8,12-Abietadienoic acid were controlled by the additive gene effects and the dominance gene effects simultaneously. The 13 major oleoresin components were under moderate or high level genetic control with the full-sib 0. 655 ~ O. 949. In addition, higher positive correla- tions were found between a-pinene, campbene and ^-pinene in monoterpenes, which means the selection of one component can make the same increase or decrease for the other components. However, levopimaric acid/palustric acid in diterpenes were found higher negative correlations with most major oleoresin components of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and diterpenes components, and the extremely significant negative correlations were found between levopimaric acid/palustric acid and longifolene, pimaric acid, dehydroabietic acid, 8,12-abietadienoic acid, abiet- ic acid, neoabietic acid, which mean the selection of levopimaric acid/palustric acid will restrain the increase of most major oleoresin components. Meanwhile, it was found that most major oleoresin components and growth traits were hardly relevant. So it is speculated that the two types of traits may be independent and controlled by different genetic mechanism. [ Conclusion ] Most of oleoresin components had significant GCA effect and were controlled mainly by the additive gene effects. These oleoresin compounds had moderate to strong family heritability. The cor- relation was not significant between growth and the content of oleoresin compounds, but there were significant among oleoresin compounds, which can be used to determine the optimize improvement strategy for oleoresin trait in P. massoniana.



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