马尾松松脂化学组分家系变异及相关分析 被引量:7
Family Variation of Oleoresin Compounds and Their Correlation in Pinus massoniana
英文题名:Family Variation of Oleoresin Compounds and Their Correlation in Pinus massoniana
作者:刘青华[1] 魏永成[2] 范辉华[2] 沈丹玉[1] 陈文荣[3] 周志春[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:Pinus massoniana;half-sib families;oleoresin compounds;family variation;genetic correlation
摘要:【目的】研究马尾松松脂化学组分在家系间的变异以及松脂组分间的相关性,为以松脂品质为目标的马尾松遗传改良工作提供理论依据和指导。【方法】以福建省国有来舟林业试验场11年生马尾松高产脂半同胞家系测定林为研究对象,通过气相色谱/质谱联用技术(GC/MS)检测每株样木树干胸径部位木质部内松脂化学组分的种类和含量,分析这些组分在家系间的遗传变异以及它们之间的遗传相关性,并利用在家系间差异显著的松脂化学组分对所有家系进行聚类。【结果】从马尾松松脂中共检出20种主要化学组分,其中,α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、长叶烯、β-石竹烯、海松酸、山达海松酸、长叶松酸/左旋海松酸、脱氢枞酸、枞酸和新枞酸为松脂中含量较高的组分。经方差分析发现:单萜中的莰烯和柠檬烯,倍半萜中的长叶环烯、洒剔烯、β-石竹烯和α-石竹烯以及二萜中的海松酸和新枞酸在家系间的差异显著或极显著,家系遗传力为0.45 0.59,意味着通过家系选择,这10个组分的遗传改良可取得较好的成效。对松脂化学组分进行遗传相关分析发现:在单萜类内,β-蒎烯、莰烯和柠檬烯间遗传相关显著或极显著,组分间遗传相关系数为0.59 0.78;在倍半萜内,长叶蒎烯、长叶环烯、洒剔烯和长叶烯之间遗传相关达极显著水平,遗传相关系数为0.67 1.00,β-石竹烯和α-石竹烯遗传相关性也达极显著水平;但在二萜类内和各萜类间,遗传相关性较弱,未达到显著水平。依据在家系间差异显著的10个松脂化学组分将所有家系聚为3类。【结论】马尾松树干木质部松脂共检出20种组分,其中,莰烯、柠檬烯、长叶环烯、洒剔烯、β-石竹烯、α-石竹烯、海松酸和新枞酸受家系影响较大,受中度遗传控制。在单萜、倍半萜类和双萜类内和类间,较强的遗传相关主要出现在单萜和倍半萜类内。
[Objective]To study the variation of oleoresin compounds among Pinus massoniana families and their correlations among compounds in order to provides data for the genetic improving of P.massoniana.[Method]Elev-en-year-old half-sib family of P.massoniana at Laizhou Experimental Forest Farm of Fujian Province was used as research object.The type and content of oleoresin compounds taken from xylem of stem in 1 .3 m height of each sample were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS).Then,genetic variations in compounds of oleoresin and their genetic correlations were analyzed.Finally,the tested families were clustered based on the significant difference of compounds among families.[Result]The results showed that 20 oleoresin terpenoids were i-dentified.The abundant terpenoids in oleoresin were α-pinene,β-pinene,longifolene,β-caryophyllene,pimaric acid,sandaracopimaric acid,palustric acid/levopimaric acid,dehydroabietic acid,neoabietic acid and abietic acid.Camphene and limonene in monoterpenes,longicyclene,sativene,β- and α-caryophyllene in sequiterpenes, and pimaric acid and neoabietic acid in diterpenes were revealed significantly difference among families with the family heritability ranging from 0.45 to 0.59,which suggesting these compounds can obtain better genetic improving effects through family selection.Within the class of monoterpenes,the genetic correlations among β-pinene,cam-phene and limonene were significant at the level of P〈0.05 or 0.01 with the genetic correlation coefficients ranging from 0.59 to 0.78.Within the class of sequiterpenes,the genetic correlations among longipinene,longicyclene,sa-tivene and longifolene were significant at the level of P〈0.01 with the genetic correlation coefficients ranging from 0.67 to 1 .00,and the genetic correlation between β- and α-caryophyllene was also at the significant level of P〈0.01.However,within diterpenes or among the different classes of terpenoids,the genetic correlations were weak and not significant.According to the ten compounds having significant difference between families,35 families were classified into three categories.[Conclusion]In total,twenty compounds were identified from the oleoresin of xylem in P.massoniana.Eight compounds of camphene,limonene,longicyclene,sativene,β- and α-caryophyllene, pimaric acid and neoabietic acid showed larger family effect and were under moderate genetic control.Among and within the categories of monoterpenes,sequiterpenes and diterpenes,most of the stronger genetic correlation existed within the categories of monoterpenes and sequiterpenes.