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Isolation and preliminary identification of fungi on the body surface of female Ericerus pela



英文题名:Isolation and preliminary identification of fungi on the body surface of female Ericerus pela

作者:史鸿翔[1,2] 李斌[2] 陈晓鸣[2] 杨斌[1] 杨璞[2] 陈航[2]








外文期刊名:Journal of Environmental Entomology





外文关键词:Ericerus pela;isolating culture;surface fungi;ITS sequencing;morphological identification


摘要:本研究通过分析白蜡虫Ericerus pela雌虫体表真菌的物种组成及其附生方式,为研究白蜡虫与体表真菌的互作关系和挖掘昆虫体表真菌的潜在利用价值提供科学依据。使用扫描电子显微镜观察白蜡虫雌虫体表真菌的分布情况和附生方式,通过分离培养,结合形态学和分子生物学方法鉴定真菌种类。观察发现白蜡虫雌虫背面的真菌主要以菌丝网的形式依靠附着枝附生于几丁质外壳上;腹面的部分真菌附生方式与背面一致,还有部分真菌与白蜡虫雌虫分泌的蜡丝混合在一起或附着于雌性白蜡虫虫体的边缘刺附近。经分离培养纯化,共获得真菌8株,分别鉴定为碳团菌Hypoxylon sp.、云南木霉菌Trichoderma yunnanense、碳角菌Xylaria brevipes、浅黄隐球酵母Papiliotrema flavescens、香气红冬孢锁掷孢酵母Rhodosporidiobolus odoratus、枝状枝孢菌Cladosporium cladosporioides、黑附球菌Epicoccum nigrum、尖孢炭疽菌Colletotrichum acutatum。这些真菌附生在白蜡虫雌虫体表与其排泄的蜜露有关,蜜露能为真菌提供丰富的糖原、维生素等多种营养物质。在分离到的8株真菌中,木霉菌和酵母菌可能对白蜡虫雌虫有益,木霉菌对病原微生物有拮抗作用,酵母菌通过发酵利用蜜露,并产生抗菌物质,能减少其他微生物对白蜡虫的危害;其余的真菌均为植物病原菌,可能诱发寄主植物病害,对白蜡生产有潜在的危害;枝状枝孢菌和尖孢炭疽菌既是植物病原菌,又是昆虫病原菌,可能严重影响白蜡虫的种虫培育和白蜡产业的发展。
The study investigated the species composition and epiphytic pattern of fungi on the body surface of female Ericerus pela,which would provide a scientific basis for the study of the interaction between E.pela and surface fungi and the exploration of the potential value of surface fungi.TM3000 scanning electron microscope was used to observe the attachment types of fungi and distribution on the body surface of female E.pela.The species of fungi were identified by isolating culture,morphological characteristics and molecular data.The observation found that the fungi on the back of the female E.pela mainly colonized on the body surface of the female E.pela by appressorium in the form of hypha mesh.The colonization of some fungi on the abdomen of the female E.pela was consistent with that on the back of the female E.pela,and some fungi were mixed with the wax filaments secreted by the female E.pela or colonization on the nearby of edge spines of female E.pela.After isolation,culture and purification,8 strains fungi were obtained from the body surface of the female E.pela,which were identified as Hypoxylon sp.,Trichoderma yunnanense,Xylaria brevipes,Papiliotrema flavescens,Rhodosporiobolus odoratus,Cladosporium cladosporioides,Epicoccum nigrum and Colletotrichum acutatum.The colonization of these fungi on the body surface of female E.pela,which was related to the excretion of honeydew by female E.pela.Honeydew provided abundant glycogen,vitamins and other nutrients for these fungi.Among the 8 strains fungi isolated,Trichoderma and yeast may be beneficial to the female E.pela.Trichoderma had antagonistic effect on pathogenic microorganisms,yeast used honeydew through fermentation and produces antibacterial substances,which could reduce the harm of other microorganisms to female E.pela.Other fungi were plant pathogens,which may induce host plant diseases and have potential harm to the insect wax industry.C.cladosporioides and C.acutatum were both insect pathogens and plant pathogens,which may seriously affected the cultivation of E.pela and the development of insect wax industry.



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