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油茶籽油和橄榄油中主要化学成分分析  ( EI收录)   被引量:109

Analysis of Main Chemical Components in Camellia Oil and Olive Oil



英文题名:Analysis of Main Chemical Components in Camellia Oil and Olive Oil

作者:汤富彬[1] 沈丹玉[1] 刘毅华[1] 钟冬莲[1] 吴亚君[2] 滕莹[1]

通信作者:Tang, F.







外文期刊名:Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association





外文关键词:camellia oil, olive oil, fatty acids, squalene, β- Sitosterol


摘要:采用气相色谱法,研究比较了油茶籽油和橄榄油中脂肪酸组成、角鲨烯和β-谷甾醇含量的差异。结果表明,油茶籽油和橄榄油样品中均分离并鉴定出8种脂肪酸组分,主要含有棕榈酸、棕榈烯酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸、花生酸和顺-11-二十碳烯酸。油茶籽油和橄榄油中脂肪酸组成接近,但各脂肪酸含量略有差别。油茶籽油和橄榄油中角鲨烯含量差异较大,油茶籽油样品角鲨烯含量最高为0.156 g/kg,最低的只含有0.077 g/kg,平均值为0.117 g/kg。而橄榄油样品角鲨烯含量最低的有4.511 g/kg,而最高的达到8.401 g/kg,平均值为5.78 g/kg,橄榄油中角鲨烯含量为油茶籽油中的近50倍。油茶籽油和橄榄油中β-谷甾醇含量差异不大,油茶籽油中β-谷甾醇含量高于橄榄油。油茶籽油中仅有1个样品含量最低,为1.08 g/kg,其他样品含量都在2.0~3.5 g/kg区间,平均值为2.422 g/kg,而橄榄油样品中β-谷甾醇含量较高的2个样品分别有2.05 g/kg和2.09 g/kg,其余样品含量均在1.0~2.0 g/kg之间,平均值为1.534 g/kg。油茶籽油样品中β-谷甾醇含量为橄榄油样品的1.58倍。
oil by using gas Comparative research on fatty acid composition, squalene and β- Sitosterol in camellia oil and olive chromatography. Results showed that camellia oil and olive oil are separated and identified 8 kinds of fatty acid composition, mainly contain palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, Arachidic acid and cis - 11 - Eicosenoic acid. Fatty acid composition is similar in camellia oil and olive oil, but with slightly difference in content. The content of squalene in camellia oil and in olive oil is dissimilar. The supreme content of squalene in camellia oil sample is 0. 156 g/kg. The lowest is only 0.077 g/kg and the average value is 0. 117 g/kg. But the lowest content of squalene in olive oil sample is 4. 511 g/kg,while the highest is 8. 401 g/kg, mean of 5.78 g/kg. So the content of squalene in olive oil is nearly 50 times than that of in camellia oil. β- Sitosterol content in range of 2. 2.05 g/kg mean of 1. olive oil. camellia oil is higher than that of in olive oil. Samples of camellia oil content of β- Sitosterol are in the 0 - 3.5 g/kg which averages 2. 422 g/kg. The two olive oil samples contain more β- Sitosterol, with and 2.09 g/kg respectively,and the remaining samples content of β- Sitosterol are between 1.0 - 2.0 g/kg, 534 g/kg. Consequently the content of β- Sitosterol in camellia oil is nearly 1.58 times than that of in



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