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环境因子对白蜡虫泌蜡的影响     被引量:13

The impact of environmental factors on the wax excretion by Chinese white wax scale(Ericerus pela Chavannes)



英文题名:The impact of environmental factors on the wax excretion by Chinese white wax scale(Ericerus pela Chavannes)

作者:陈晓鸣[1] 王自力[1] 陈勇[1] 叶寿德[1] 王绍云[1] 冯颖[1]








外文期刊名:Acta Ecologica Sinica





外文关键词:Ericerus pela;wax excretion;environmental factors; beneficial environment for wax excretion; population suitable growth area


Ericerus pela Chavanness is an important resource insect with economic value. The white wax excreted by 2^nd larvae of Ericerus pela is one of important raw materials which is widely applied in the some chemical industries. In this paper, the wax excretion of Ericerus pela was analyzed for its impact of ecological factors. The result showed that Ericerus pela could excrete wax, develop normally and finish its life cycle within sustained temperatures ranging between 15℃ to 25℃. When the temperature exceeds 30℃, Ericerus pela can excrete wax, but the excreted wax amount is low. Most of the larvae population dies at the end of the 2^nd instar, therefore, the insect can not develop normally, nor can it pupate and finish its life cycle. Humidity and light are key factors affecting wax excretion of Ericerus pela. In an environment of high humidity( annual relative humidity 〉 80% ) and low light ( 〈 1600 h/a), the wax amount excreted by Ericerus pela is high, hut the population can not develop normally, the high death rate of the female insect prevents the development of its llfe cycle. The insect is not temperature sensitive, therefore, the temperature will not affect its secretion. The beneficial ecological factors for Chinese white wax scale to excreted wax are temperature 15 -25℃, light 〈 1600 h/a, rain fall 1300 -2000 mm, annual relative humidity 〉 80% and relative humidity 〉 90% from May to August . According to ecological observation and analysis of Ericerus pela living in Emei, Zhaotong and Kunming, the environments of which encourage rates of high excreted waxes are not suitable growth areas for Ericerus pela. The main ecological characteristics for suitable growth areas of Ericerus pela are described as follows : annual average temperature 11 -- 16℃, light 1900 --2500 h/a, rain fall 800 -1200 mm and annual relative humidity 65%--75%.



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