不同产地油茶籽脂肪酸及甘油三酯的主成分分析和聚类分析 被引量:17
Principal component analysis and cluster analysis of fatty acids and triglycerides in oil-tea camellia seeds from different origins
英文题名:Principal component analysis and cluster analysis of fatty acids and triglycerides in oil-tea camellia seeds from different origins
作者:王亚萍[1] 费学谦[1] 姚小华[1] 王开良[1] 郭少海[1] 任华东[1]
外文期刊名:China Oils and Fats
外文关键词:origin;oil-tea camellia seed;fatty acid;triglyceride;principal component analysis;cluster analysis
Studies on the effects of different origins on fatty acids and triglycerides in oil-tea camellia seed were carried out.The fatty acid and triglyceride composition and content of 108 common oil-tea camellia seed samples from 47 origins in China were examined by gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography, respectively, and subjected to principal component analysis and cluster analysis.The results showed that ten kinds of fatty acids were contained in all the 108 samples, in which the oleic acid had the highest average relative content of 79.86%,the difference of the saturated fatty acid content among all samples was significant(P<0.05), meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the unsaturated fatty acid content among different origins. There was no obvious difference in the oleic acid content of samples from origins except for five regions in Hainan province. The results of principal component analysis showed that oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid were the characteristic fatty acids of oil-tea camellia seed oil. 12 triglyceride components were identified in oil-tea camellia seed, among them OOO was the most, followed by POO and OOL, LLL and PPL content were the lowest. The principal component analysis showed that POO, SOO, SOP, PPO, POL+SLL and OOO were the characteristic triglyceride of oil-tea camellia seed oil. On the basis of principal component analysis, triglyceride with an average content of more than 1% from 47 origin samples were conducted by cluster analysis. The results showed that all the oil-tea camellia seed oil samples could be divided into two categories, the first category included 42 origins and the second category included 5 origins in Hainan province. The study provided theoretical basis and reference information for the identification, classification, processing and utilization of oil-tea camellia in China.