尾叶桉×细叶桉多年生生长及其与材性相关的遗传分析 被引量:1
Genetic Analysis on Multiple-year Growth Traits and Their Correlations with Wood Properties in Eucalyptus urophylla×E.tereticornis crosses
英文题名:Genetic Analysis on Multiple-year Growth Traits and Their Correlations with Wood Properties in Eucalyptus urophylla×E.tereticornis crosses
作者:邱妍[1,2] 翁启杰[1] 李梅[1] 陈升侃[1,3] 周长品[1] 李发根[1] 甘四明[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:E.urophylla×E.tereticornis;growth trait;heritability;genetic correlation;wood property
摘要:[目的]了解尾叶桉×细叶桉多年生生长的遗传规律,为大径材良种培育的早期选择年龄的确定提供可靠依据。[方法]对10株尾叶桉×10株细叶桉不完全析因交配产生的59个杂种组合13、16年生树高、胸径和材积采用混合线性模型估算母本、父本和母本×父本互作的方差分量,计算狭义遗传力,检测与早期生长及10年生材性性状间的表型相关和加性遗传相关,并基于遗传相关和主成分回归分析进行生长性状早期选择年龄的确定。[结果]尾细桉×细叶桉杂种组合13、16年生树高、胸径和材积均高于母本自由授粉家系,16年生时1个组合和47株单株的胸径达到≥28 cm的大径材标准;母本效应对2个年龄的树高、胸径和材积均显著,但父本效应仅对材积显著,母本×父本互作仅对13年生树高显著,表明母本对杂种生长的影响明显大于父本;2个年龄的树高、胸径和材积的狭义遗传力为0.17~0.23,均属中等偏低的水平;16年生树高、胸径和材积与之前年龄(0.5、1.5、2.5、4、7.5、10和13年生)的相应生长性状的表型相关和加性遗传相关均达0.01或0.001的显著水平(与1.5年生材积的相关除外),2.5年生开始加性遗传相关即较稳定。16年生与早期生长性状的回归分析显示:2.5年生能够分别解释16年生树高、胸径和材积变异的73.9%、71.9%和66.2%;13年生和16年生的生长与10年生木材基本密度均呈显著的正相关,而与木质素含量均呈显著的负相关(H_(16)除外)。[结论]尾叶桉×细叶桉13、16年生生长具有一定的杂种优势,可用于选育大径材良种;生长性状持续受母本效应的显著影响,父本效应对晚期材积亦影响显著,需要重视优良杂交母本和父本的选择;早晚期生长显著相关,早期选择可在2.5年生时进行;晚期生长与10年生木材基本密度和木质素含量分别呈显著的正和负相关,可进行间接选择。
[Objective]To understand the genetic mechanism underlying multiple-year growth in Eucalyptus urophylla×E.tereticornis crosses and provide reliable support for determining the early selection age in large-diameter-timber variety breeding.[Method]For 13-and 16-year-old tree height,breast-high diameter and volume of 59 crosses derived from an incomplete factorial mating between 10 E.urophylla females and 10 E.tereticornis males,a mixed linear model was used to estimate the variance components of female,male,and female×male interaction effects and calculate the narrow-sense heritability.Phenotypic and additive genetic correlations with earlier growth and 10-year-old wood properties were also analyzed.Genetic correlations and principal components regression(PCR)analysis were used to estimate early selection age for growth traits.[Result]Overall growth of crosses at ages 13 and 16 was better than the maternal open-pollinated families,and there were one cross and 47 individuals qualified for the large-diameter-timber criterion≥28 cm.For all the three growth traits at both ages,the variance components of female,male,and female×male interaction were all significant,only significant for volume,and only significant for 13-year-old height,respectively.It indicated that the effect of female was larger than male.Narrow-sense heritability ranged from 0.17 to 0.23,being moderate to low levels of genetic control.Phenotypic and additive genetic correlations of 16-year-old height,diameter and volume with earlier(age of 0.5,1.5,2.5,4,7.5,10 and 13 years)counterparts were all positively significant except for 1.5-year-old volume,and the additive genetic correlations for 2.5 and higher years were notably stable.PCR analysis showed that 2.5-year-old growth could explain 73.9%,71.9%and 66.2%of phenotypic variation in 16-year-old height,diameter and volume,respectively.Growth traits at both ages were significantly genetically correlated with 10-year-old wood basic density(positive)and lignin content(negative,except H_(16)).[Conclusion]Certain degree of growth heterosis is present at ages 13 and 16 in E.urophylla×E.tereticornis crosses,indicating the potential of selection for large-diameter-timber varieties.Female effects on growth are consistently significant while male effect on volume is significant,demonstrating the necessity of selection of female and male parents in hybrid breeding.Both significant correlations between 16-year-old and earlier growth and around 70.0%of 16-year-old phenotypic variation explained by 2.5-year-old growth suggested the practical age of early selection at 2.5 years.Significant correlations of growth with 10-year-old wood basic density and lignin content imply the feasibility of indirect selection.