药用印楝表型选择的因子分析及综合评价 被引量:5
Factor Analysis and Comprehensive Assessment of Phenotypic Selection of Officinal Neem Superior Trees
英文题名:Factor Analysis and Comprehensive Assessment of Phenotypic Selection of Officinal Neem Superior Trees
作者:彭兴民[1] 吴疆翀[1] 王有琼[1] 郑益兴[1] 马李一[1] 张燕平[1]
外文期刊名:Forest Research
外文关键词:neem ; officinal superior trees ; phenotypic selection ; factor analysis ; comprehensive assessment
摘要:以因子分析和聚类分析作为药用印楝表型选择的分析评价方法,对药用印楝表型选择的分析评价方法进行实证研究,结果表明:性状间呈显著或极显著相关;特征根>1的4个公因子累计方差贡献率为83.53%,第1、第2、第3和第4公因子方差贡献率分别为31.33%、22.98%、15.11%和14.10%,种仁质量(0.995 11)、种子质量(0.956 76)、种子长(0.780 12)、印楝素A+B总含量(0.866 67)、印楝素B含量(0.819 34)、印楝素A含量(0.680 84)、地径(0.939 04)、株产果实数(0.722 82)、印楝素B与印楝素A比(-0.833 60)是表型选择分析评价中的典型代表变量;Mantel检测发现,聚类分析能有效的表示33个基因型样株表型性状的相似(异)性(r=0.81,p=1.00);各聚类群的性状特征概括为:种子印楝素A含量优异类、种子印楝素B含量优异类、种子高印楝素AB含量类、粒大饱满类、树体大结实多类和无优异特性类;优树的综合评价标准:综合得分≥0.59的为"好",综合得分为0.59^-0.19的为"中",综合得分≤-0.19的为"差",按此标准,筛选出"好"、"中"、"差"优树各4株、16株、12株。与传统方法相比,新方法可以更全面、科学、客观、便捷、直观地分析表型选择的综合选择指标,综合评价优树的优劣。
In order to find analysis and assessment methods of phenotypic selection of officinal neem superior trees, and to empirically evaluate the officinal neem resources and to finally provide evidences and guidance in officinal neem breeding, 12 characters correlated with quality and yield in 32 primarily selected superior trees and control were tested. The results are as follows: among characters, at least one was significantly or extremely significantly correlated with another. Accumulative contribution rate of 4 common factors (with latent root 〉 1 ) was 83.53% , their contribution rate was 31.33% (the first PC, seed shape), 22.98% (the second PC, azadirachtin content), 15.11% (the third PC, seed yield), 14.10% (the fourth PC, ratio of azadirachtin ingredient), respectively. And typical example of variables in analysis and assessment of phenotypic selection were : kernel weight (0. 995 11 ) , seed weight (0.956 76), seed length (0. 780 12), content of azadirachtin A + B (0. 866 67), content of aza- dirachtin B (0. 819 34), content of azadirachtin A (0.680 84), ground diameter (0.939 04), seed yield per tree (0. 722 82), ratio of azadirachtin B to A ( -0.833 60). Mantel test showed that cluster analysis could reveal the phenotypic differences of 33 trees (r =0.81, p = 1.00). Cluster groups could be categorized as: type of high aza- dirachtin content, type of full size of seeds and kernels, type of larger tree and high seed yield, and type of normal. Criterion of comprehensive assessment of primarily selected superior trees : "Superior" ( with score≥ 0. 59 ), "Me-dium" ( with score - 0.19 - 0.59 ), "Poor" ( with score ≤ - 0.19 ). According to this criterion, primarily select- ed superior trees were divided into 4 "Superior", 16" Medium", and 12" Poor" trees. With factor analysis and cluster analysis, analysis and assessment of phenotypic selection of officinal neem superior trees can be directly and easily performed and judged, the results could provide evidences and guidance in officinal neem breeding.