- Carbon storage capacity of monoculture and mixed-species plantations in subtropical China被引量:90收藏
- 作者:He, Youjun[1] Qin, Lin[2] Li, Zhiyong[1] Liang, Xingyun[2] Shao, Meixiang[2]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Guangxi Univ
- 关键词:Monoculture plantation Mixed-species plantation Carbon content Carbon storage Subtropical China
- Long-term fertilization increases soil organic carbon and alters its chemical composition in three wheat-maize cropping sites across central and south China被引量:69收藏
- 作者:He, Y. T.[1,2] He, X. H.[3,4] Xu, M. G.[1] Zhang, W. J.[1] Yang, X. Y.[5]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Agr Sci;Chinese Acad Forestry;Southwest Univ;Univ Western Australia;Northwest A & F Univ
- 关键词:NMR SOC complexity index SOC decomposition index
- Broadening the scope of forest transition inquiry: What does China's experience suggest?被引量:30收藏
- 作者:Ke, Shuifa[1] Qiao, Dan[1] Yuan, Wantong[1] He, Youjun[2]
- 机构:Renmin Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Forestation Stocking, growth, and diversity NTFPs Forest tourism and recreation Timber imports
- Measuring Eco-Efficiency of State-Owned Forestry Enterprises in Northeast China被引量:23收藏
- 作者:Ning, Youliang[1] Liu, Zhen[2] Ning, Zekui[3] Zhang, Han[4]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Nanjing Normal Univ;Xian Univ Finance & Econ;Northwest A&F Univ
- 来源:FORESTS 2018
- 关键词:eco-efficiency state-owned forestry enterprise SBM-DEA model China
- An analysis of potential investment returns of planted forests in South China被引量:18收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Pu[1] He, Youjun[2] Feng, Yiming[1] De La Torre, Rafael[3] Jia, Hongyan[4]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry;Arbor Gen;Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:NEW FORESTS 2019
- 关键词:China Planted forest Economics Investment returns
- 基于ERDAS IMAGINE软件的快鸟影像融合研究被引量:17收藏
- 作者:马友平[1] 冯仲科[1] 何友均[2] 张志华[3]
- 机构:北京林业大学测绘与3S技术中心;中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所;西南林学院研究生处
- 来源:《北京林业大学学报》 2007
- 关键词:ERDASIMAGINE IHS PCA 快鸟影像 影像融合
- 摘要:该文采用PCA变换与IHS变换对快鸟的多光谱、全色影像进行融合处理.图像的处理全过程均在ERDASIMAGINE 8.5中完成.影像的统计特征评价均值、标准差在ERDAS IMAGINE 8.5中完成,熵、联合熵的计算应...
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- Facing the complexities of the global timber trade regime: How do Chinese wood enterprises respond to international legality verification requirements, and what are the implications for regime effectiveness?被引量:15收藏
- 作者:Nathan, Iben[1] Chen, Jie[2] Hansen, Christian Pilegaard[1] Xu, Bin[2] Li, Yan[2]
- 机构:Univ Copenhagen;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:China Legality verification EUTR, Lacey Act amendment Forest certification Regime complexity
- Forest Therapy in Germany, Japan, and China: Proposal, Development Status, and Future Prospects被引量:13收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Zhiyong[1] Ye, Bing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2022
- 关键词:forest therapy public health health services medical evidence forest therapy service systems
- 不同经营模式对蒙古栎天然次生林林分结构和植物多样性的影响被引量:12收藏
- 作者:冯琦雅[1] 陈超凡[2] 覃林[2] 何亚婷[1] 王鹏[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所;广西大学
- 来源:《林业科学》 2018
- 关键词:蒙古栎天然次生林 目标树经营 综合抚育经营 植被结构 植物多样性 物种相似性
- 摘要:【目的】研究不同经营模式对蒙古栎天然林林分结构和物种多样性的影响,为蒙古栎天然次生林恢复、森林质量提升及可持续经营提供科学依据。【方法】以黑龙江省哈尔滨市丹清河实验林场的蒙古栎天然次生林群落为研究对象,采取随机布设与典型...
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- International trade after intervention: The case of bedroom furniture被引量:9收藏
- 作者:Luo, Xinjian[1] Sun, Changyou[2] Jiang, Hongfei[1] Zhang, Ying[1] Meng, Qian[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Mississippi State Univ
- 关键词:Error correction Export growth Import demand Trade diversion Wooden bedroom furniture
- The Temporal Variation of the Microclimate and Human Thermal Comfort in Urban Wetland Parks: A Case Study of Xixi National Wetland Park, China被引量:8收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Zhiyong[1] Dong, Jianhua[2] He, Qijiang[2] Ye, Bing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Hangzhou Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2021
- 关键词:microclimate human thermal comfort outdoor thermal environment public health ecological services
- Estimating Fractional Vegetation Cover Changes in Desert Regions Using RGB Data被引量:8收藏
- 作者:Xie, Lu[1] Meng, Xiang[2] Zhao, Xiaodi[3] Fu, Liyong[1,2] Sharma, Ram P.[4]
- 机构:Cent South Univ Forestry & Technol;Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry;Tribhuwan Univ
- 关键词:fractional vegetation cover pixel-based machine learning vegetation classification desert ecosystem
- Effects of Soundscapes on Human Physiology and Psychology in Qianjiangyuan National Park System Pilot Area in China被引量:7收藏
- 作者:Wang, Peng[1] He, Youjun[1] Yang, Wenjuan[1] Li, Nan[2,3] Chen, Jiaojiao[2]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Int Ctr Bamboo & Rattan;China Ecoculture Assoc
- 来源:FORESTS 2022
- 关键词:soundscape national parks human physiology human psychology
- Eliminating Illegal Timber Consumption or Production: Which Is the More Economical Means to Reduce Illegal Logging?被引量:7收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Xiaobiao[1,2] Xu, Bin[3] Wang, Lei[1,2] Yang, Aijun[1,2] Yang, Hongqiang[1,2]
- 机构:Nanjing Forestry Univ;State Forestry Adm;China Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2016
- 关键词:illegal logging eliminating consumption eliminating production added value input-output analysis GFPM
- Have China's regulations on imported waste paper improved its quality被引量:7收藏
- 作者:Shang, Di[1] Diao, Gang[1] Zhao, Xiaodi[2]
- 机构:Beijing Forestry Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Import quality Waste paper import regulations Asymmetric effect Autoregressive distributed lag model
- A new improved maximal relevance and minimal redundancy method based on feature subset被引量:7收藏
- 作者:Xie, Shanshan[1] Zhang, Yan[2] Lv, Danjv[1] Chen, Xu[1] Lu, Jing[1]
- 机构:Southwest Forestry Univ;Southwest Forestry Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:mRMR Feature subset Feature selection ImRMR Sequence forward search
- Study on Evaluation of Timber Security in China Based on the PSR Conceptual Model被引量:7收藏
- 作者:Li, Qiujuan[1] Chen, Shaozhi[2] Zhao, Rong[2]
- 机构:Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2020
- 关键词:timber security PSR model entropy method comprehensive evaluation
- China's role in the global forest sector: how will the US recovery and a diminished Chinese demand influence global wood markets?被引量:5收藏
- 作者:Hu, Yanjie[1] Perez-Garcia, John[2] Robbins, Alicia[2] Liu, Ying[1] Liu, Fei[3]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Univ Washington;Beijing Forestry Univ
- 关键词:China forest product sector trade model spatial equilibrium forest products markets
- 基于GIS的县域森林景观空间格局等级特征研究被引量:5收藏
- 作者:孟超[1] 王计平[2] 支晓蓉[2] 胡艳萍[3] 张德成[3]
- 机构:河北农业大学林学院;中国林业科学研究院国家林业局盐碱地研究中心;中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所;北京林业大学林学院
- 来源:《农业机械学报》 2018
- 关键词:县域 景观格局 组织层次 等级特征 GIS 森林健康经营
- 摘要:县域作为协调人类活动与自然资源关系的基本单元,是造林绿化和森林景观资源经营的重要空间。以河北省易县为例,以森林资源二类清查资料和土地利用资料为基础,基于GIS技术,通过景观等级类型划分、景观指数筛选和主成分分析法,对县域...
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- Effects of Human Social-Economic Activities on Vegetation Suitability in the Yellow River Basin, China被引量:4收藏
- 作者:Wu, Qingjun[1,2] Zhu, Junfeng[1] Zhao, Xiaodi[2]
- 机构:China Agr Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2023
- 关键词:vegetation suitability human activities major ecological projects
- How Forest Subsidies Impact Household Income: The Case from China被引量:4收藏
- 作者:Han, Feng[1] Chen, Yaru[2]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm
- 来源:FORESTS 2021
- 关键词:forestry subsidy forest farmer income impact path China
- 空气质量与公共健康:以森林吸收烟粉尘为例被引量:4收藏
- 作者:周海川[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所
- 来源:《林业科学》 2017
- 关键词:固体排放 公共健康 烟粉尘 森林 环境 三阶段最小二乘估计
- 摘要:【目的】以森林吸收烟粉尘为例,实证检验烟粉尘对居民呼吸系统相关疾病的影响,定量分析空气污染与公共健康的关系。【方法】首先,沿用文献回顾阐述大气污染引发呼吸系统相关疾病,森林可以通过减少空气污染物来影响人体健康的相关研究;...
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- Influences of Climatic Factors and Human Activities on Forest-Shrub-Grass Suitability in the Yellow River Basin, China被引量:3收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Shunli[1,2] Gu, Xiaobing[1,2] Zhao, Xiaodi[2] Zhu, Junfeng[1] Zhao, Yiru[3]
- 机构:China Agr Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry;Beijing Forestry Univ
- 来源:FORESTS 2023
- 关键词:climatic factors forest-shrub-grass suitability human activities Yellow River Basin
- 森林火灾保险纯费率厘定模型及实证分析被引量:3收藏
- 作者:张德成[1] 陈绍志[1] 白冬艳[2]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所;北京市经济管理学校财会金融系
- 来源:《林业科学》 2016
- 关键词:森林保险 纯费率 费率厘定 森林火灾
- 摘要:【目的】研究适用于我国现行森林保险制度的森林火灾保险纯费率厘定模型,分析森林火灾保险纯费率的区域分布,为科学、合理厘定森林火灾保险费率提供参考。【方法】改进Holecy等(2003;2006)模型中林火发生概率允许误差的...
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- The Effectiveness of the Ecological Forest Rangers Policy in Southwest China被引量:3收藏
- 作者:Wang, Yifan[1] Wang, Dengju[1] Zhao, Rong[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2021
- 关键词:ecological forest ranger policy effectiveness poverty alleviation
- Effects of Forest Canopy Structure on Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Landsat Imagery被引量:3收藏
- 作者:Li, Chao[1] Li, Mingyang[1] Iizuka, Kotaro[2] Liu, Jie[3] Chen, Keyi[4]
- 机构:Nanjing Forestry Univ;Univ Tokyo;Nanjing Forestry Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:IEEE ACCESS 2021
- 关键词:Forest inventory data forest aboveground biomass Landsat 8 image canopy structure piecewise model subtropical forest
- Oasis Irrigation-Induced Hydro-Climatic Effects: A Case Study in the Hyper-Arid Region of Northwest China被引量:3收藏
- 作者:Shan, Nan[1] Shi, Zhongjie[2] Yang, Xiaohui[2] Guo, Hao[2] Zhang, Xiao[2]
- 机构:Nanjing Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:ATMOSPHERE 2018
- 关键词:irrigation climate effect potential evapotranspiration trend hyper-arid region of China
- 东北天然次生林不同经营模式下土壤微生物碳源利用与功能多样性被引量:3收藏
- 作者:范垚城[1] 覃林[1] 王雅菲[2] 邹慧[1] 谭玲[1]
- 机构:广西大学林学院;中国林业科学研究院林业科技信息研究所
- 来源:《林业科学》 2016
- 关键词:经营模式 天然次生林 土壤微生物 碳源利用 功能多样性
- 摘要:【目的】研究不同经营模式对东北天然次生林土壤微生物碳源利用与功能多样性的影响,为合理确定东北天然次生林的经营模式提供科学参考。【方法】以哈尔滨市丹青河林场的传统森林经营(FM1)、目标树森林经营(FM2)、调整育林法森林...
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- Development of forest aboveground biomass estimation, its problems and future solutions: A review被引量:2收藏
- 作者:Ma, Taiyong[1] Zhang, Chao[2] Ji, Liping[3] Zuo, Zheng[4] Beckline, Mukete[5]
- 机构:Ningxia Univ;Chinese Acad Forestry;State Owned Forest Farm & Forest Tree Seedling Wor;Henan Acad Forestry;Agrosyst Grp
- 关键词:Aboveground biomass Remote sensing Manual survey Overlap UAV LiDAR
- Effect of Climate on Carbon Storage Growth Models for Three Major Coniferous Plantations in China Based on National Forest Inventory Data被引量:2收藏
- 作者:Zhang, Lianjin[1] Lai, Guanghui[2] Zeng, Weisheng[3] Zou, Wentao[4] Yi, Shanjun[5]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Beijing Municipal Forestry Carbon Sinks & Int Coo;Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm;Chinese Acad Forestry;Natl Forestry & Grassland Adm
- 来源:FORESTS 2022
- 关键词:carbon storage carbon sequestration capacity variable parameter growth model climatic factor