- Highly Compressible Wood Sponges with a Spring-like Lamellar Structure as Effective and Reusable Oil Absorbents被引量:413收藏
- 作者:Guan, Hao[1] Cheng, Zhiyong[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:ACS NANO 2018
- 关键词:cellulose nanofibers compressibility elasticity oil absorption recyclability wood sponges
- In Situ Polymerization of Furfuryl Alcohol with Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate in Poplar Wood for Improved Dimensional Stability and Flame Retardancy被引量:128收藏
- 作者:Kong, Lizhuo[1,2] Guan, Hao[1,2] Wang, Xiaoqing[1,2]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Poplar wood Furfuryl alcohol (FA) Polymerization Dimensional stability Flame retardancy
- Facile preparation of mechanically durable, self-healing and multifunctional superhydrophobic surfaces on solid wood被引量:118收藏
- 作者:Tu, Kunkun[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Kong, Lizhuo[1] Guan, Hao[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Superhydrophobic Durability Self-healing Photocatalytic Wood
- Fabrication of mechanically durable superhydrophobic wood surfaces using polydimethylsiloxane and silica nanoparticles被引量:114收藏
- 作者:Chang, Huanjun[1] Tu, Kunkun[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Liu, Junliang[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:RSC ADVANCES 2015
- 关键词:Coatings - Contact angle - Durability - Fabrication - Microchannels - Microstructure - Nanoparticles - Polydimethylsiloxane - Silica - Silica nanoparticles - SiO2 nanoparticles - Substrates - Superhydrophobicity - Surface treatment - Wetting - Wood
- Nanofibrillated cellulose composites and wood derived scaffolds for functional materials被引量:81收藏
- 作者:Keplinger, Tobias[1,2] Wang, Xiaoqing[3] Burgert, Ingo[1,2]
- 机构:Swiss Fed Inst Technol;Empa Swiss Fed Labs Mat Testing & Res;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Cellulose - Cellulose nanocrystals - Functional materials - Heavy metals - Scaffolds (biology)
- Growth of high-density ZnO nanorods on wood with enhanced photostability, flame retardancy and water repellency被引量:73收藏
- 作者:Kong, Lizhuo[2] Tu, Kunkun[2] Guan, Hao[2] Wang, Xiaoqing[1,2]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry;Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Wood Zinc oxide Nanorod arrays Photostability Flame retardancy Water repellency
- Formation of highly hydrophobic wood surfaces using silica nanoparticles modified with long-chain alkylsilane被引量:67收藏
- 作者:Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Chai, Yubo[1] Liu, Junliang[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:contact angle (CA) hydrophobicity nanoparticles silica sol wood surface
- Facile Preparation of Stable Superhydrophobic Coatings on Wood Surfaces using Silica-Polymer Nanocomposites被引量:38收藏
- 作者:Chang, Huanjun[1] Tu, Kunkun[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Liu, Junliang[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Coatings Silica-polymer nanocomposites Sol-gel Superhydrophobicity Wood
- 杉木光变色的FTIR光谱分析被引量:30收藏
- 作者:王小青[1] 费本华[1] 任海青[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所
- 来源:《光谱学与光谱分析》 2009
- 关键词:杉木 光变色 木质素 FTIR
- 摘要:暴露于室外环境的木材或木制品,由于受气候因子的作用其表面性状和品质发生劣化,主要表现为木材变色,大大降低其利用价值。以人工林杉木为研究对象,利用模拟太阳辐射的氙光衰减仪对木材表面进行光劣化处理,采用傅里叶变换红外(FTI...
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- 毛竹材表面光化降解的FTIR和XPS分析被引量:27收藏
- 作者:王小青[1] 任海青[1] 赵荣军[1] 程强[1] 陈勇平[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所
- 来源:《光谱学与光谱分析》 2009
- 关键词:竹材 光化降解 木质素 傅里叶变换红外光谱 X射线光电子能谱
- 摘要:竹材光变色和光化降解过程比较复杂。该文以我国资源丰富的毛竹为研究对象,利用氙光衰减仪对竹材进行表面劣化处理,采用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS)对竹材表面化学组成和结构变化进行表征。XPS测试结...
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- Highly Elastic and Fatigue-Resistant Graphene-Wrapped Lamellar Wood Sponges for High-Performance Piezoresistive Sensors被引量:27收藏
- 作者:Guan, Hao[1] Dai, Xinjian[1] Ni, Lin[1] Hu, Jihang[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:wood sponge graphene elasticity piezoresistive sensor sensitivity
- Amino-Functionalized Wood Aerogel for Efficient Removal of Copper Ions from Water被引量:6收藏
- 作者:Meng, Junwang[1] Guan, Hao[1] Dai, Xinjian[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Adsorbents - Adsorption - Aerogels - Cellulose - Chemicals removal (water treatment) - Copper compounds - Costs - Delignification - Heavy metals - Isotherms - Lamellar structures - Metal ions - Monolayers - Musculoskeletal system - Oxidation - Porosity
- Manufacturing and Characterization of Modified Wood with In Situ Polymerization and Cross-Linking of Water-Soluble Monomers on Wood Cell Walls被引量:4收藏
- 作者:Hu, Jihang[1] Fu, Zongying[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Chai, Yubo[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:POLYMERS 2022
- 关键词:poplar cell walls cross-linking modification wood properties
- Effect of Vacuum Heat Treatment on Larch Earlywood and Latewood Cell Wall Properties被引量:2收藏
- 作者:Sun, Bailing[1] Zhang, Yamei[1] Su, Yingying[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Chai, Yubo[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:FORESTS 2023
- 关键词:vacuum heat treatment larch cell wall hygroscopicity nanomechanics
- Lamellar Wood Sponge with Vertically Aligned Channels for Highly Efficient and Salt-Resistant Solar Desalination被引量:2收藏
- 作者:Dai, Xinjian[1] Guan, Hao[1] Wang, Xin[1] Wu, Mingyue[1] Hu, Jihang[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:wood sponge lamellar structure solar desalination carbon nanotube (CNT) saltresistance
- Wood-based catalytic filter decorated with ZIF-67 for highly efficient and continuous organic pollutant removal被引量:1收藏
- 作者:Wang, Xin[1] Hu, Jihang[1] Guan, Hao[1] Dai, Xinjian[1] Wu, Mingyue[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:Wood-based catalytic filter Metal-organic framework Advanced oxidation processes Continuous-flow reactor Wastewater treatment
- The influence of vacuum heat treatment on the pore structure of earlywood and latewood of larch被引量:1收藏
- 作者:Sun, Bailing[1] Su, Yingying[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Chai, Yubo[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 关键词:early and late larch wood mercury intrusion porosimetry nitrogen adsorption pore structure vacuum heat treatment
- Modification Mechanisms and Properties of Poplar Wood via Grafting with 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate/N,N '-methylenebis(acrylamide) onto Cell Walls被引量:1收藏
- 作者:Hu, Jihang[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1]
- 机构:Chinese Acad Forestry
- 来源:POLYMERS 2023
- 关键词:wood modification reaction mechanism cell walls grafting properties
- Sol-gel deposition of TIO2 nanocoatings on wood surfaces with enhanced hydrophobicity and photostability被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Liu, Sichen[2] Chang, Huanjun[2] Liu, Junliang[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry; College of Material Science and Engineering
- 来源:Wood and Fiber Science 2014
- 关键词:Weathering - Wood - Coatings - Field emission microscopes - Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy - Chemical analysis - Hydrophobicity - Sol-gel process - Ultraviolet visible spectroscopy - Free energy - Energy dispersive X ray analysis - Scanning electron microscopy
- Wet-Stable Lamellar Wood Sponge with High Elasticity and Fatigue Resistance Enabled by Chemical Cross-Linking被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Guan, Hao[1] Zhang, Chi[2] Tu, Kunkun[3,4] Dai, Xinjian[1] Wang, Xin[1]
- 机构:Res Inst Wood Ind;Dept Mech & Proc Engn;China Univ Min & Technol;China Univ Min & Technol
- 关键词:wood sponge cellulose aerogel elasticity wet stability chemical cross-linking
- Lamellar Wood Sponge with Vertically Aligned Channels for Highly Efficient and Salt-Rejecting Solar Desalination被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Dai, Xinjian[1] Guan, Hao[1] Wang, Xin[1] Wu, Mingyue[1] Hu, Jihang[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry
- 来源:SSRN 2023
- 关键词:Desalination - Evaporation - Evaporators - Lamellar structures - Thermal conductivity
- Cell wall structure and formation of maturing fibres of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) increase buckling resistance被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Ren, Haiqing[1] Zhang, Bo[2,3] Fei, Benhua[2] Burgert, Ingo[3]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry; Department of Biomaterials; Department of Biomaterials
- 来源:Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2012
- 关键词:Collagen - Fibers - Stiffness matrix - Biomechanics - Cells - Stiffness - Buckling - Cellulose - Mechanical stability - Cytology - Structural optimization - Tissue
- Distribution of wet heartwood in stems of Populus xiaohEI from a spacing trial被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Jiang, Zehui[1] Ren, Haiqing[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry
- 来源:Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 2008
- 关键词:Mathematical models - Parameter estimation - Regression analysis
- 糠醇单体与预聚体混合物改性杨木被引量:0收藏
- 作者:沈晓双[1] 邹献武[1] 李改云[1] 王小青[1] 刘君良[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院林业新技术研究所中国林业科学研究院木材工业研究所
- 来源:《林业科学》 2019
- 关键词:杨木 木材改性 糠醇单体 糠醇预聚体
- 摘要:【目的】研究糠醇单体与预聚体混合物浸渍改性木材的可行性,以提高糠醇预聚体利用率,降低生产成本,促进糠醇树脂改性技术的产业化发展。【方法】以马来酸酐为催化剂、硼砂为稳定剂、水为稀释剂,调控糠醇预聚体与单体比例,配制成均一稳...
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- In situ detection of the fracture behaviour of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) by scanning electron microscopy被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Liu, Huanrong[2] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Zhang, Xiubiao[2] Sun, Zhengjun[2] Jiang, Zehui[2]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry; Department of Biomaterials
- 来源:Holzforschung 2016
- 关键词:Bamboo - Enamels - Fibers - Field emission microscopes - Fracture - Debonding - Crack propagation - Fracture toughness - Tissue - Field emission - Tensile testing - Scanning electron microscopy
- Surface deterioration of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) induced by exposure to artificial sunlight被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Wang, Xiao-Qing[1] Ren, Hai-Qing[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry
- 来源:Journal of Wood Science 2009
- 关键词:Irradiation - Cytology - Scanning electron microscopy - Bamboo - Photodegradation - Cells - Electric lamps - Photooxidation - Surface chemistry
- Semitransparent, durable superhydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane/SiO2 nanocomposite coatings on varnished wood被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Tu, Kunkun[1] Kong, Lizhuo[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Liu, Junliang[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry
- 来源:Holzforschung 2016
- 关键词:Nanocomposites - Silica nanoparticles - Surface roughness - Microstructure - Coatings - Mechanical stability - Wetting - Hydrophobicity - Silicones - Wood - Water absorption - Microchannels
- Variation of microfibril angle and density in moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens)被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Wang, X.Q.[1] Li, X.Z.[1] Ren, H.Q.[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry
- 来源:Journal of Tropical Forest Science 2010
- 关键词:Bamboo
- Thermal, mechanical, and moisture absorption properties of wood-tio2 composites prepared by a sol-gel process被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Liu, Junliang[1] Chai, Yubo[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry
- 来源:BioResources 2012
- 关键词:Titanium dioxide - Dimensional stability - Scanning electron microscopy - Decomposition - Moisture - Cytology - Thermodynamic stability - Cells - Composite materials - Wood products
- Fabrication of robust, damage-tolerant superhydrophobic coatings on naturally micro-grooved wood surfaces被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Tu, Kunkun[1] Wang, Xiaoqing[1] Kong, Lizhuo[1] Chang, Huanjun[1] Liu, Junliang[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Wood Industry
- 来源:RSC Advances 2015
- 关键词:Coatings - Epoxy resins - Fabrication - Hydrophilicity - Materials handling equipment - Nanocomposite films - Silica - Superhydrophobicity - Wood