- ‘富有’甜柿中间砧的早期筛选和嫁接亲和性被引量:2收藏
- 作者:汤丹[1] 江锡兵[1] 龚榜初[1] 刘同祥[1] 徐阳[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业研究所浙江省林木育种技术研究重点实验室
- 来源:《林业科学》 2017
- 关键词:'富有’甜柿 嫁接 中间砧 亲和性 解剖结构
- 摘要:【目的】通过研究‘富有’甜柿中间砧嫁接苗苗期生长、解剖等表现,筛选出早期亲和的嫁接组合,并探讨中间砧嫁接的亲和性机制。【方法】以浙江柿作基砧,‘兰溪大红柿’、‘南通小方柿’、‘次郎’和‘西村早生’作中间砧(设置10 cm...
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- The Construction of a High-density Genetic Map for the Interspecific Cross of Castanea mollissima × C. henryi and the Identification of QTLs for Leaf Traits被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Jiang, Xibing[1,2] Wang, Yanpeng[1] Lai, Junsheng[3] Wu, Jian[3] Wu, Conglian[3]
- 机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding; Qingyuan Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning
- 来源:Forests 2023
- 关键词:Plants (botany)
- Genetic diversity and association analysis among germplasms of diospyros kaki in zhejiang province based on ssr markers被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Xu, Yang[1] Cheng, Wenqiang[1] Xiong, Chunyan[1] Jiang, Xibing[1] Wu, Kaiyun[1]
- 机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:Forests 2021
- 关键词:Biodiversity - Aspect ratio - Biomarkers - Plants (botany) - Cultivation