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预处理条件对香榧仁油品质的影响研究     被引量:2

The Effect of Pretreatment Conditions on the Quality of Torreya Kernel Oil



英文题名:The Effect of Pretreatment Conditions on the Quality of Torreya Kernel Oil

作者:罗凡[1] 郭少海[1] 杜孟浩[1] 胡立松[1] 方学智[1]








外文期刊名:Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association





外文关键词:torreya kernel oil;hot air;microwave;quality


摘要:为了摸清榨前处理的条件及其对香榧油品质的影响,研究了香榧经过热风和微波等两种热处理方式后香榧仁及其压榨油部分理化及营养指标的变化规律。研究结果表明:随热风加热温度或是微波加热功率的升高香榧仁中的水分下降速度提高,微波处理降低水分的效率显著高于热风(P<0.05);随热风处理时间的延长,香榧油的酸价呈现先下降后略上升的趋势,拐点在90 min左右;245、420、560 W处理的香榧,其压榨油酸价呈下降趋势,但长时间高功率(700 W)微波加热可能加速香榧油酸败。随热风或微波处理时间延长香榧油中的VE含量都呈下降趋势,加热强度和下降具有相关性。热风和微波处理均提高了香榧油的氧化诱导时间,低强度加热后香榧油的氧化诱导时间呈现先上升后趋于稳定的变化趋势,高强度加热后氧化诱导时间呈现两个阶段的上升趋势,且第二阶段上升更快,再次上升可能是因为产生了美拉德反应,香榧油中的美拉德反应产物提高了油脂的氧化诱导时间。从降低水分的热效率和保留营养成分考虑,推荐采用420 W微波处理20 min的条件对香榧进行榨前处理。本文的研究结果为香榧油制取工艺提供了基础数据。
To study the pretreatment condition and effect on quality of torreya kernel oil,the change rule of some physical and chemical nutrition indicators of torreya grandis kernel and its squeezed oil after hot air and microwave heat treatment was studied in this paper.The results show that with the increase of temperature heated by hot airor microwave heating power,the declining speed of moisture of torreya kernel increased.The efficiency of microwave processing to reduce the moisture is significantly higher than that of hot air(P<0.05).With the extension of processing time,the acid value of the oil after hot air treatment decline slightly firstly,and then rise,and the inflection point is around 90 min.The acid value of torreya kernel oil shows a downward trend after treatment of 245,420 and 560 W microwave,while prolonged high power(700 W)microwave heating may accelerate oil oxidation.The VE content in torreya kernel oil declined with the extension of treatment time of both hot air and microwave treatment,and the decrease is correlated with the heating intensity.The oxidation induction time of torreya kernel oil was increased by both hot air and microwave treatment.After low intensity heating,the oxidation induction time of torreya grandis oil increased first and then stabilized,while after high intensity heating,the oxidation induction time showed a two-stage upward trend,and the second stage increased faster.The increase may be due to the Maillard reaction which occurs in torreya kernel,and the Maillard reaction products in torreya kernel oil increase the induction time of oil oxidation.Considering the thermal efficiency of moisture reduction and the retention of nutrients,420 W microwave treatment for 20 min is recommended for torreya seed pretreatment.The results of this paper provide basic data for the process of torreya kernel oil.



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