- 华中五味子的雄花特征与花粉特性被引量:4收藏
- 作者:郭红艳[1] 王森[1] 晏巢[2] 张震[1] 黄雯[1]
- 机构:中南林业科技大学经济林培育与保护教育部重点实验室经济林育种与栽培国家林业局重点实验室;中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业实验中心
- 来源:《林业科学》 2016
- 关键词:华中五味子 雄花 花粉形态 花粉萌发率
- 摘要:【目的】通过对华中五味子雄花特征及花粉特性的研究,旨在为华中五味子的传粉生物学研究、系统分类提供参考。【方法】采用体视显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对华中五味子雄花不同发育时期(Ⅰ花蕾膨大期、Ⅱ花瓣松动期、Ⅲ花瓣开放期...
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- 黑老虎果实发育及种子油脂积累规律被引量:0收藏
- 作者:何铁定[1,2,3,4] 邵凤侠[1,2,3] 张赛阳[1,2,3] 陈娟[1,2,3] 杨昌宏[5]
- 机构:中南林业科技大学“一带一路”热带干旱经济林工程技术研究中心;湖南省"一带一路"热带干旱经济林国际联合研究中心;国家林业和草原局经济林育种与栽培重点实验室;中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业实验中心;通道黑老虎中药材专业合作社
- 来源:《林业科学》 2023
- 关键词:黑老虎 果实发育 油脂积累 油体 脂肪酸组成
- 摘要:【目的】研究黑老虎果实发育及种子油脂积累规律,可为其果实发育期的栽培管理和种子油脂的开发利用提供理论基础。【方法】观测黑老虎果实发育的8个不同时期果实和种子表型、横纵径、形状指数;并利用索氏抽提法、激光共聚焦显微镜观察法...
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- Dynamic visual simulation of growth and management of Chinese Fir Based on Structured Forest Management被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Kang, Shen[1] Tingdong, Yang[1] Huaiqing, Zhang[1] Lili, Zhang[2]
- 机构: Research Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques; Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2020
- 关键词:Timber - Visualization
- Elevated CO2 and O3 levels influence the uptake and leaf concentration of mineral N, P, K in Phyllostachys edulis (Carrière) J. Houz. and Oligostachyum lubricum (wen) King f.被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Zhuang, Minghao[1,2] Li, Yingchun[1] Guo, Ziwu[1] Li, Yueqiao[3] Pan, Wenting[3]
- 机构: Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry; School of Environment and State Key Joint Lab. of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control; Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:Forests 2018
- 关键词:Bamboo - Biomass - Carbon dioxide - Nitrogen - Phosphorus - Potassium
- Corrigendum to "Integrated multi-omics analysis to elucidate the role of shikimic acid and phenethylamine in the effect of scions on rootstocks of Camellia olEIfera" [Ind. Crop. Prod. 203 (2023) 117222] (Industrial Crops & Products (2023) 203, (S0926669023009871), (10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117222))被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Ge, Xiaoning[1,2] Zhong, Qiuping[2] Tan, Xinjian[2] Wang, Jinfeng[2] Cao, Linqing[2]
- 机构: Central South University of Forestry & Technology; Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:Industrial Crops and Products 2024
- Variation of Fertility and Phenological Synchronization in Cunninghamia lanceolata Seed Orchard: Implications for Seed Production被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Xie, Jiaxin[1] Huang, Xin[1] Liu, Yingquan[2] Zhu, Peng[1] Zhu, Yuanwei[2]
- 机构: Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory of Ecological Forestry Engineering on the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River & National Forestry and Grassland Administration Key Laboratory of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecological Safety on the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River & Rainy Area of West China Plantation Ecosystem Permanent Scientific Research Base; Hongya State-Owned Forest Farm; Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:Forests 2022
- 关键词:Cloning - Orchards - Seed
- RAD-seq技术研究鹅掌楸属种源遗传多样性和遗传结构被引量:0收藏
- 作者:潘文婷[1] 孙建军[1] 原勤勤[1] 张利利[1] 邓康桥[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业实验中心
- 来源:《林业科学》 2022
- 关键词:鹅掌楸属 RAD测序 遗传多样性 遗传结构
- 摘要:【目的】揭示鹅掌楸属遗传结构和地理变异特点,为鹅掌楸属遗传资源的保存、利用及改良提供依据。【方法】以9个鹅掌楸种源97份样本和4个北美鹅掌楸种源46份样本为材料,采用RAD-seq测序鉴定各样本SNP标记,计算观测杂合度...
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- Response strategies of slash pine (Pinus elliottii) to cadmium stress and the gain effects of inoculation with Herbaspirillum sp. YTG72 in alleviating phytotoxicity and enhancing accumulation of cadmium被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Li, Yanglong[1,2] Chen, Xiangteng[1,2] Dong, Yuhong[1,2] Wei, Shumeng[1,2] Zeng, Mansheng[3]
- 机构: State Key Laboratory of Efficient Production of Forest Resources; State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding & amp; Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2024
- 关键词:Bacteria - Bioremediation - Contamination - Mining - Physiological models - Physiology - Plants (botany) - Soil pollution - Soil pollution control - Soils
- 杉木单木枯损率与初植密度、竞争和气候因子的关系被引量:0收藏
- 作者:张雄清[1,2] 王翰琛[1] 鲁乐乐[1] 陈传松[3] 段爱国[1]
- 机构:中国林业科学研究院林业研究所国家林业和草原局林木培育重点实验室;南京林业大学南方现代林业协同创新中心;中国林业科学研究院亚热带林业实验中心
- 来源:《林业科学》 2019
- 关键词:单木枯损率 杉木 连接模型 初植密度 气候变量 竞争
- 摘要:【目的】分析杉木单木枯损率与初植密度、竞争和气候因子的关系,为杉木科学经营管理提供决策依据。【方法】以江西杉木密度试验林为研究对象,选取常用的logit、probit和cloglog 3种二分类变量数据结构模型构建杉木单...
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- Integrated multi-omics analysis to elucidate the role of shikimic acid and phenethylamine in the effect of scions on rootstocks of Camellia olEIfera被引量:0收藏
- 作者:Ge, Xiaoning[1,2] Zhong, Qiuping[2] Tan, Xinjian[2] Wang, Jinfeng[2] Cao, Linqing[2]
- 机构: Central South University of Forestry & Technology; Experimental Center of Subtropical Forestry
- 来源:Industrial Crops and Products 2023
- 关键词:Biochemistry - Carboxylic acids - Metabolites - Plants (botany) - Transcription